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🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀 Last time I told in my previous post that I can't tolerate LAA hence I prefer THD (derivatives vit c) to LAA (a potent vit c), but I forgot that korean skincare @wishtrend.id also has 21.5 vit c serum which doesn't iritate my skin. The very affordable vit c but give all what I need especially to get rid of acne brown spot fast without being iritation and purging. It has watery texture but a little bit tacky and slight tingling when I apply to my face. But worry me not! Because It really works for refining texture, brightening acne brown spot and also hydrating my skin.For attention, Vit c serum especially LAA will be better to store in the fridge and far away from direct sunlight. Repurchase? Yes! Mine is almost empty and I think I still need buying this next month. #skincarereview #skincareroutine #ribbonskincarereview #skincareaddict #koreanskincare #vitc #bywishtrend #beautybloggerindonesia #indobeautygram #indobeautysquad #beautynesia #ClozetteID #bloggermafia #skincarecommunity
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