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Things that Spark Joy ✨💗🌙💖⭐️ #SheemasherrySailorMoon
Do you follow accounts that mostly post cute or aesthetic objects or #flatlays on them? I’m following LOTS of that kind of accounts. Some of them post their #SailorMoon collection, some post their makeup or skincare products, toys or action figures, journals or diaries, food or drinks, or aaaany objects from any angles they find cute / aesthetic around them.
Probably if you play #tumblr or #pinterest , you have saved / reblogged / pinned that kind of cute photos too.
You know, I really love seeing that kind of photos. I feel like they bring some kind of happiness to people who enjoy beauty like me. Yea, I’m a person who can stand still and silently watch something for quite a long period of time just to admire its beauty. I can also be so chatty about it, while probably other people don’t find the beauty in the thing that catches my attention.
These accounts I’m talking about, they motivate me to capture beauty in anything I see / I have too. I’ve practiced making flatlays, decorating objects, choosing angles, etc... etc... taking photos of them... editing them, which means, playing with colours (OH I LOVE THIS)... and posting them, sharing them with everyone, because I love expressing my passion about beauty and cuteness (a.k.a KAWAII-ness) into a visible form, and also in hopes that you also see and enjoy them the way I do!!
Now, I actually want to know, do you like seeing photos of the cute stuff, like my Sailor Moon stuff, or other objects that I’ve shared so far? Don’t worry, It doesn’t matter what you think, because at the first place I do it for self-expression, but it’s nice to know what you think too, even though I’m not sure you will even read this caption until the end... 😂😂😂😂
see more from this collectionInstagram


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