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#reviews REAL BARRIER Cleansing Oil Balm...CLEANSING OIL BALM is free of Paraben, really moisturizer, which if applied to the skin, transforms itself from the balm into a milk white cleaner...💦TEXTURE AND SCENT: In terms of texture Cleansing oil balm is textured like white milk, very light when applied and has a fresh citrus and does not sting at all. I like 😍..📦PACKAGING: In terms of packing this cleansing oil balm is a slim and long tube, it contains 100gr. Very practical for traveling... HOW TO USE: I wear this in the afternoon after a day of activities, to clean up the remaining makeuo and dust. Squeeze a little into the palm of your hand and massage in a circular motion in a dry face. Then wet your face with water then massage again and rinse with water. Done 😁..🍁Review: When I first used it, I had no anxiety or fear because this product was claimed for dry and sensitive skin, since I have a combination of sensitive skin so it's safe to use this. Early usage I felt this product is very gentle when in contact with the skin, has a soft fragrance without making my nose feel strange with the fragrance. Clean thoroughly and does not cause residue or redness. The name is also unique Cleansing Oil Balm. The combination of oil and balm in one product. And this product is formulated without silicon and mineral oil. It does contain 100% natural mixture of Bergamot Oil, Marjoram Oil and Chamomile Oil which is added to help refresh. To clean thoroughly, this formula is also infused with Shea Butter, Olive Oil, Safflower Seed Oil and also Vitamin E to help moisturize the skin. It seems like I like it 😍😍.. How about you? Attracted to try it ???... Rate: 5/5. * Gifted..... #stylekorean  #stylekorean_global  #realbarrier  #TrymeReviewme  #skincare  #dryskin  #dehydratedskin #kbeauty  #skincareroutine  #skincarediary  #skincarelover  #skincarecommunity  #beauty  #beautycommunity  #clozetteID  #beautyblogger  #sensitiveskin  #dryskin  #skinbarrier  #koreanbeauty
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Categories : skincare
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