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self love is a topic that means a lot to me. simple thing but has great meaning. easy to say but hard to do. self love teaches me to be grateful. Bersyukur dengan keadaan tanpa membandingkan satu sama lain, because everyone has their own self love journey. Aku jadi lebih mengenal diri sendiri. Mengetahui sampai mana batasan yang bisa aku lalui.. when i'm tired, rest. Take a little break and then go back. Aku baru mengenal diri sendiri akhir2 ini. What makes me happy? What i like? Is it too late to learn self love? I don't think so. Karena menurutku, self love akan selalu menjadi pelajaran dan perjalanan yang penting agar aku selalu bersyukur. Coz i love myself. Aku akan berusaha menjadi lebih baik. Terus belajar untuk mencintai diri sendiri dan be myself"어제의 나 오늘의 나 내일의 나(Yesterday's me, today's me, tomorrow's me)I'm learning how to love myself"-BTS,Answer:Love Myself- #SelfLoveWithEsqa #clozette #clozetteid
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