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Top by @hm
Pant by @cottononid
And semuanya aku beli di @zaloraid
Inget guyss.. Jadi customer yang smart ya...
Let's use my code
ZLRSILVIA to get additional 22% and cashback 10%
Btw,ini outfit aku pas lagi treatment di @lavalen.co
#zaloraid #clozetteid #stylediary #styleblogger #cottonon #hmindonesia
Top by @hm
Pant by @cottononid
And semuanya aku beli di @zaloraid
Inget guyss.. Jadi customer yang smart ya...
Let's use my code
ZLRSILVIA to get additional 22% and cashback 10%
Btw,ini outfit aku pas lagi treatment di @lavalen.co
#zaloraid #clozetteid #stylediary #styleblogger #cottonon #hmindonesia