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Korean skincare that can be used for body too!!
After weeks using this soothing toner from @anua.skincare, I feel my skin hydrated more than before. I feel it refresh enough on the skin and there is no dry feeling after using it.
This toner contains 77% heartleaf extract to soothe skin and balancing the moisture and natural oil on the skin. This also good for you who have acnes, it soothe and also help to get rid the old dead skin cell.
Okay what I really like about this toner are:
1. It's not have any kind of perfumery smell it just like a pure water
2. The texture is watery, so its really not greasy and sticky
3. It as easy as pure water on the skin in one wipes
You can use this soothing toner for your body, especially in dry part.
Would you like to try it?? :))
#anua #skincare #kulitbagus
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Categories : skincare
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