#bodypositive #bodypositivity #blogger #positivevibes #positivity #photooftheday #indonesianamerican #indoblogger #myself # #sociollablogger #sociolla #clozetteid #photooftheday #selfie #selca #makeup #makeuptutorial #skincare #makeupinspo #bunnyneedsmakeup
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#bodypositive #bodypositivity #blogger #positivevibes #positivity #photooftheday #indonesianamerican #indoblogger #myself # #sociollablogger #sociolla #clozetteid #photooftheday #selfie #selca #makeup #makeuptutorial #skincare #makeupinspo #bunnyneedsmakeup
Hello sweet babes 🐰🐰
wishing you all a lovely Thursday/friday 🌹
If you’ve had more dark days than bright so far, I am with you, I love you & we got this! Just Keep going, keep growing, keep being you 💪❤️
#bopo #bopowarrior #bodypositive #bodypositivity #blogger #positivevibes #positivity #photooftheday #indonesianamerican #indoblogger #myself #warrior #sociollablogger #sociolla #lykeambassador #clozetteid
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wishing you all a lovely Thursday/friday 🌹
If you’ve had more dark days than bright so far, I am with you, I love you & we got this! Just Keep going, keep growing, keep being you 💪❤️
#bopo #bopowarrior #bodypositive #bodypositivity #blogger #positivevibes #positivity #photooftheday #indonesianamerican #indoblogger #myself #warrior #sociollablogger #sociolla #lykeambassador #clozetteid
Setelah sukses meluncurkan face mask yang berbahan dasar clay, kini L’oreal baru-baru ini meluncurkan pure sugar face & lip scrub yang berbahan dasar 3 pure sugar dengan 3 variant yaitu smooth & glow face scrub,nourish & soften face scrub dan purify & unclog face scrub untuk koleksi musim gugur 2018 ini.
Dan aku punya kedua diantara ketiganya, yaitu Nourish & Soften Face scrub 🍫 ( terbuat dari 3 jenis gula murni dan cocoa) dan purify & unclog face scrub 🥝 ( deep gentle exfoliate yang terbuat dari biji kiwi)
Cek reviewnya di personal blog aku yaa (link di bio) •
#sociollablogger #lykeambassador #clozetteid #loreal #lorealscrub #puresugar #puresugarscrubs #lorealpuresugarscrub #lorealpureclaymask #skincare #beauty #makeup #koreanskincare #beautyroutine #beautyblogger #bloggerindo #bloggerindonesia
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Dan aku punya kedua diantara ketiganya, yaitu Nourish & Soften Face scrub 🍫 ( terbuat dari 3 jenis gula murni dan cocoa) dan purify & unclog face scrub 🥝 ( deep gentle exfoliate yang terbuat dari biji kiwi)
Cek reviewnya di personal blog aku yaa (link di bio) •
#sociollablogger #lykeambassador #clozetteid #loreal #lorealscrub #puresugar #puresugarscrubs #lorealpuresugarscrub #lorealpureclaymask #skincare #beauty #makeup #koreanskincare #beautyroutine #beautyblogger #bloggerindo #bloggerindonesia
What a beautiful gift 🎁
This made my day, and my day was already pretty great, so I hope the rest of yours is too 😘
Thanks so much bunnyneedsmakeup Team,
Love Youu ❤️
#gift #presents #thoughtfulgift #friendships #love #clozetteID #LYKEambassador #Sociollablogger #blogger #beautyblogger #bandungbeauty
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This made my day, and my day was already pretty great, so I hope the rest of yours is too 😘
Thanks so much bunnyneedsmakeup Team,
Love Youu ❤️
#gift #presents #thoughtfulgift #friendships #love #clozetteID #LYKEambassador #Sociollablogger #blogger #beautyblogger #bandungbeauty
StyleNanda 3CE Cosmetics @3ce_official - Velvet Lip Tint , Matte Lip Color & Eyeshadows
cek Swatch & Review 3 produk dari 3CE yang aku purchased ini, seperti Velvet lip tint yang termasuk new release dari 3CE hasil berduet dengan maison kitsune untuk fall/winter season tahun ini. Dan ada matte Lip Colour limited edition & eyeshadows stick yang biasa aku pakai untuk daily look
Link :
http://bunnyneedsmakeup.com/2017/12/01/stylenanda-3ce-cosmetics-velvet-lip-tint-matte-lip-color-eyeshadows/ • follow juga OA Line bunnyneedsmakeup (use@ ) dan instagram @bunnyneedsmakeup untuk makeup & beauty news & inspo
#bunnyneedsmakeup #beauty #beautyblog #beautyblogger #clozetteID #Sociollablogger #indoblogger #indobeautyblogger #makeupenthusiast #makeup
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cek Swatch & Review 3 produk dari 3CE yang aku purchased ini, seperti Velvet lip tint yang termasuk new release dari 3CE hasil berduet dengan maison kitsune untuk fall/winter season tahun ini. Dan ada matte Lip Colour limited edition & eyeshadows stick yang biasa aku pakai untuk daily look
Link :
http://bunnyneedsmakeup.com/2017/12/01/stylenanda-3ce-cosmetics-velvet-lip-tint-matte-lip-color-eyeshadows/ • follow juga OA Line bunnyneedsmakeup (use@ ) dan instagram @bunnyneedsmakeup untuk makeup & beauty news & inspo
#bunnyneedsmakeup #beauty #beautyblog #beautyblogger #clozetteID #Sociollablogger #indoblogger #indobeautyblogger #makeupenthusiast #makeup
I believe that all gender should feel free to wear what they so choose.
We spend so much of our time thinking of other people that too often and we don’t make self-care a priority.
The most important thing Everyone deserves to have all the confidence, oomph, and adventures that come from feeling great in clothes.
It doesn’t belong to a certain size, body type or race or religion or anything else. So wear whatever the hell you want, because as long as you feel confident, you’ll look amazing! •
Caption : definitely not from tere liye quotes 🙄😂
#myself #vacation #selflove #selfpic #bodypositive #bodypositivity #bodyposi #bodydiversity #diversity #plussize #plussizefashion #plussizeasian #plussizeindonesia #curvyasian #curvywomen #curvygirl #curvy #bodyimage #recoveryjourney #recoveryeating #fashion #fashionpost #followforfollow #follow4follow #clozetteID #LYKEambassador #sociollablogger #blogger #indonesiablogger #bloggerindo
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We spend so much of our time thinking of other people that too often and we don’t make self-care a priority.
The most important thing Everyone deserves to have all the confidence, oomph, and adventures that come from feeling great in clothes.
It doesn’t belong to a certain size, body type or race or religion or anything else. So wear whatever the hell you want, because as long as you feel confident, you’ll look amazing! •
Caption : definitely not from tere liye quotes 🙄😂
#myself #vacation #selflove #selfpic #bodypositive #bodypositivity #bodyposi #bodydiversity #diversity #plussize #plussizefashion #plussizeasian #plussizeindonesia #curvyasian #curvywomen #curvygirl #curvy #bodyimage #recoveryjourney #recoveryeating #fashion #fashionpost #followforfollow #follow4follow #clozetteID #LYKEambassador #sociollablogger #blogger #indonesiablogger #bloggerindo
Is Fenty Beauty worth your money?
Ini pertama kalinya nyobain & Seriusan gloss bombnya bener2 BOMB banget ❤️nyaman di bibir, dan ada efek lip plumpernya jadi membuat bibir lebih plumped tapi gak membuat bibir terlalu minyakan seperti makan gorengan 🌼
Highlighter duo ini agak lumayan pigmentasinya, tapi kudu ngeapply berkali2 karena agak sulit keluar warnanya, entahlah mungkin karena warnanya juga tergolong terlalu muda jadi kurang cetar atau memang pigmentasi duo highlighter memang seperti ini. I dunno but for the price $34, I expected more than this 🙄
Cek review lengkapnya di website www.bunnyneedsmakeup.com
Atau kalian bisa cek link di bio
Dan jangan lupa add OA Line @bunnyneedsmakeup untuk mendapatkan tips dan news terbaru seputar makeup & beauty
#fentybeauty @fentybeauty @bunnyneedsmakeup #bunnyneedsmakeup #fentybeautyindonesia #rihanna #beautyblogger #blogger #bloggerindonesia #makeup #cosmetics #makeupjunkie #clozetteID #LYKEambassador #sociollablogger #beauty #beautyreview #makeupreview #fentybeautyreview #sephora
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Ini pertama kalinya nyobain & Seriusan gloss bombnya bener2 BOMB banget ❤️nyaman di bibir, dan ada efek lip plumpernya jadi membuat bibir lebih plumped tapi gak membuat bibir terlalu minyakan seperti makan gorengan 🌼
Highlighter duo ini agak lumayan pigmentasinya, tapi kudu ngeapply berkali2 karena agak sulit keluar warnanya, entahlah mungkin karena warnanya juga tergolong terlalu muda jadi kurang cetar atau memang pigmentasi duo highlighter memang seperti ini. I dunno but for the price $34, I expected more than this 🙄
Cek review lengkapnya di website www.bunnyneedsmakeup.com
Atau kalian bisa cek link di bio
Dan jangan lupa add OA Line @bunnyneedsmakeup untuk mendapatkan tips dan news terbaru seputar makeup & beauty
#fentybeauty @fentybeauty @bunnyneedsmakeup #bunnyneedsmakeup #fentybeautyindonesia #rihanna #beautyblogger #blogger #bloggerindonesia #makeup #cosmetics #makeupjunkie #clozetteID #LYKEambassador #sociollablogger #beauty #beautyreview #makeupreview #fentybeautyreview #sephora
Highly recommend this place @spring_spa if you’re near seminyak village ! We had the hair spa treatment with excellent massage from therapists 💆 and the facilities are so pretty & clean,we will definitely comeback again next time! •
#hairspa #seminyak #seminyakvillage #springspa #holiday #vacation #hairtreatment #hair #bali #creambath #spa #salon #bodypositive #clozetteID #LYKEambassador #sociollablogger #beautyblogger #indoblogger #pamperyourself
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#hairspa #seminyak #seminyakvillage #springspa #holiday #vacation #hairtreatment #hair #bali #creambath #spa #salon #bodypositive #clozetteID #LYKEambassador #sociollablogger #beautyblogger #indoblogger #pamperyourself
To be honest, not every day will be a good one,
Sometimes It's going to be a long, hard process find yourself and learn to love yourself, it takes a time, day,months ,years, don’t rush it ! I promise you that the journey will be worth it. We’re all working on it 🌷
#bodyposi #bodypositivity #fatgirlstraveling #plussize #bodyposipanda #bopo #vacation #strutbymic #curvygirl #curvyfashion #clozetteID #lykeambassador #vsco #vscocam #bali #nusadua #curvyootd #plussizefashion #plusfashion
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Sometimes It's going to be a long, hard process find yourself and learn to love yourself, it takes a time, day,months ,years, don’t rush it ! I promise you that the journey will be worth it. We’re all working on it 🌷
#bodyposi #bodypositivity #fatgirlstraveling #plussize #bodyposipanda #bopo #vacation #strutbymic #curvygirl #curvyfashion #clozetteID #lykeambassador #vsco #vscocam #bali #nusadua #curvyootd #plussizefashion #plusfashion