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1 liter @matrix @biolage FiberStrong Shampoo ini sudah habissss, saatnya review!

To be noted : rambutku diwarnai, tebal, mengembang, kasar, dan dicatok hampir setiap hari ✌

Kandungan Intra Cylane + Bamboo + Ceramide ⭐ Paraben Free ⭐

Claimnya 12X menguatkan & 95% menurunkan kerusakan rambut.
Hasil pemakaian :
👉 rambut rontokku tidak sebanyak biasanya
👉 ujung rambut tidak sering bercabang
👉 ga bikin kulit kepala gatal

First impression, wanginya enak lho. Semacam seger + manis bercampur jadi satu 🎋
Teksturnya cair dan gampang berbusa 🍻

Bisa dibeli di salon atau e-commerce dengan range harga 300 - 400k .
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@matrix @biolage Smooth Proof Camellia Conditioner is perfect for those who want to combat frizzy hair.No paraben, safe for colored hair.Just need several weeks for me to completely emptied out the 98g product.Can be bought in your nearest salon / ecommerce, price point 80-100k.Works okay for me but I need extra help of hair mask since my hair is beyond damaged.Plus point : a nice scent.Tips : it's good for you who has fine hair with a lil frizziness to combat.
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Pengalaman pertama pakai "air mawar" sebagai rutinitas skincare dan sukaaa banget banget 💕

Zuzur awalnya ga ada niatan beli, tapi @haple.id berkata lain, saat itu ada promo oil + rose water dengan harga menarik, tercantol lah diriku huhu 💸

Tapi ga menyesal kok, karena setelah aku semprot sebelum tidur, besokan paginya muka terlihat lebih cerah. Warbyazah! 🤩

Here is my verdict :
- Harga terjangkau sist di bawah 50k
- Wanginya enak dan gak lebay
- Hasil Mist nya oh so fine. Jadi seger karena hasil semprotnya lembut
- Dipakai sebelum tidoor eh mencerahkan wajah. Happyyyyyy 👏

Saran aku cuma satu, selang rose waternya kepanjangan, jadi kalau dah mau habis kudu gunting selangnya dulu supaya sisa sisa cairan mengalir sempurna. Semoga di next batch hal ini bisa diperhatikan hehe ✌

Tentu saja review yang super duper lengkap bisa di klik link yang ada di profile~

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Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cleanser, sudah habis gengs. Kusuka program #empties begini untuk meminimalisir hamburan uang yang tidak perlu.
Here is my verdict :
Alcohol free, silicone free, EU Allergen Free.
Cucok meong buat kulit kering karena ada kandungan Minyak Biji Aprikot, Minyak Alpukat dan Squalane untuk melembapkan.

Teksture gel beningnya memang wanginya ku jujur yah unik sekaleee, tapi tenang aja hilang kok saat emusified dengan air.

A piece of advise, karena harganya lumayan yah for a cleanser, I recommend untuk coba produknya langsung di counter dan minta tester samplenya sebelum memutuskan untuk beli.

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Tangled and frizzy hair, a common problem for those who have thick hair like mine. Bet y'all can't live without conditioner, and here it is my current empties @percyandreed color shine conditioner got me HOOKED. It's not slimy and it MOISTURIZED my hair.
Musti banget pakai huruf capital karena sebagus ituu ❤
Pas pemakaian cairannya gak licin seperti kondisioner lainnya dan pas dibilas kerasa banget rambut masih halus dan lembab (bukan licin! *nge-gas lol)
Bisa dibeli di @sephoraidn ya!
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Looks so fresh, rite? It's actually a contact lens water solution by @bauschlomb @biotrue_solution Here is why this product is my favourite :
1. Contain Ph balanced to match healthy tears and Hyaluronan (HA), the same lubricant found in our eyes. It works wonder on my sensitive eyes. Based on my experience, I don't need to apply it often since it hydrates my contact lens very well. Also kills 99.9% germs and they promised up to 20 hours of moisture!
2. Available on nearest drugstore!
3. With all those benefits and a fresh packaging, it comes with affordable price.

I am a happy customer!

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Another empties ❤️
*with empties, I can provide honest and thorough review. Including the tips & trick!
I have a love hate relationship with Wardah EyeXpert eyeliner, my sweet tips to maximize the use of this product is : Apply eyebase/concealer beforehand ✌🏻
Detailed review is up on the blog, link on bio 💕
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