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[[Korean Full Coverage Concealer Review]].Hi, MiLuvsAku mau ngereview concealer Korea yang claimnya bisa bikin kulit kelihatan seamless, full coverage & long lasting nih. Setelah ku coba beberapa kali, kira2 claimnya sesuai ngga yah? Yuk cek reviewnya 😘🙏🏻.❤ Brand: Self Beauty❤ Product: Glam Up Full Cover Longlasting Liquid Concealer Wand❤ Variant: 02 Peanut (setara no 23)❤ Price: Rp 240.000,- (ada diskon di Charis Shopku jadi Rp 208.000,-)❤ REVIEW+ PLUS:+ Lightweight formula+ Mudah diblend+ Ngga masuk2/ memperjelas fine lines+ Medium coverage+ Shade peanut undertonenya yellow+ Matte but not drying finish+ Ngga patchy+ Wand bentuk petal for better application+ Cukup tahan lama.-MINUS:- Claim full coverage bisa didapatkan kalau langsung pakai banyak dari awal. Kalau pakai sedikit2 & dilayer entah kenapa ngga berhasil full coverage.- Hanya ada 2 pilihan shade. 01 setara no 21 undertone pink & 02 setara no 23 undertone yellow.- Lama2 oxidize. Dari yang awalnya pas jadi gelap warnanya.- Pernah test pakai hanya concealer ini ajah untuk pergi, aku kurang suka karena lama2 cakey.- Harganya terbilang mahal.I really want to love this concealer, karena claimnya kece banget. tapi sudah berkali2 aku coba tetap kurang puas sama hasilnya.NOTE: This is purely my experience yah, mungkin produknya kurang cocok sama kulitku tapi mungkin akan cocok di orang lain 💕. #MicelReview #CHARIS #SELFBEAUTY #SELFBEAUTYGLAMUPCONCEALER #CONCEALER #FULLCOVERAGE #ClozetteID @charis_celeb @hicharis_official @charis_indonesia
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Hi, Peripera Lovers!Ngga perlu lagi lama nunggu PO/takut dapet produk palsu waktu beli online lagi karena sekarang @peripera.id sudah buka 1st storenya di Indonesia 😍😍😍.Store pertama ini ada di Lippo Mall Puri Lantai UG yaa guys. Wajib banget buat kunjungin storenya karena asli gemes parah & kamu bisa langsung belanja produk2 Peripera kesayangan kamu yang pasti dijamin ORI 👏🏻👏🏻💕.Produk yang wajib dicobain? Of course semua produk lipnya dong! Terus cobain juga Sugar Twinkle, eyeshadow liquid yang glitternya cakep pisan✨✨& cobain juga Ink Matte Blur Cushionnya yang hasilnya super halus serta punya coverage juara!. #PlayWithperipera #LovePP #MicelReview #ClozetteID
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[[Makeup Simple Ala Cewek Perancis]].Hi, MiLuvsUdah lama banget sepertinya aku ngga bikin tutorial full face kaya gini 😆Maklum aku juga lagi diet meap, jadi kalau ngga perlu aku ngga bakal meapan. Terutama aku ngga pakai base meap yang tebel kaya biasanya..Lalu aku cari2 inspirasi meap & meap ala cewek Perancis cucok dengan yang aku mau karena ringan & simple. Mereka mostly lebih suka pakai base yang ringan seperti tinted moisturizer/CC Cream. Terus kalau ada flaws gitu mereka lebih ke spot concealing jadi yang dicover hanya area yang perlu ajah. Katanya mereka lebih suka kalau kulit itu masih ada flaws2nya dikit daripada dibuat seperfect mungkin kaya tiada noda & cela..Ini versi lebih fancy dibanding versi daily aku biasanya karena aku untuk daily ngga pakai concealer hanya pakai skincare+ color corrector buat bawah mata + bedak + blush + lipstick. Bahkan alis aja aku ngga bikin karena aku ada poni & pakai kacamata yang framenya gede bisa nutupin bagian alis.. #ClozetteID
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[[CELEFIT THE BELLA COLLECTION REVIEW]].Hi, MiLuvsSebagai pecinta eyeshadow glitter & warna2 natural aku mau rekomen palette eyeshadow Korea dari @celefit_id yaitu The Bella Collection yang merupakan hasil collab dengan beauty vlogger bernama Bella..❤ The Bella Collection❤ Variant: Episode 1❤ Price: Rp 424.000,- (lagi ada cashback 10% di Shopee jadi Rp 377.600,-)❤ REVIEW+ PLUS:+ Lux, gorgeous yet simple packaging+ All shades are pretty 😍+ Wearable colors+ Has matte, shimmer & glitter texture+ Pigmented but no lebay+ Buildable+ Not patchy (easy to blend)+ Minimum to no fall out+ Has big mirror+ I kid you not, the glitters are super duper pretty 🔥💕.-MINUS:- Maybe the price? Tapi mengingat kualitas packagingnya yang pakai magnet + ada kaca gede & eyeshadownya juga bagus menurutku ini masih worth to buy 😊. #MicelReview #ClozetteID
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[[TRILOGY PRODUCTS REVIEW]].Hi, MiLuvsKalau kamu suka skincare yang punya kandungan organik & ramah lingkungan, you might want to try these products from New Zealand @trilogy_id but 1st ini dia reviewnya~.❤ Trilogy Cream Cleanser (Rp 340.000,-)❤ Main Ingredients: Roship, Evening Primrose, Jojoba, Carrot, Almond❤ REVIEW+ PLUS:+ Mild & creamy formula+ Moisturizing+ Non-drying+ Natural & organic ingredients+ Nice natural fragrance+ Easily removed with water+ Makes skin feel smooth afterward.-MINUS:- Only for removing a very light makeup, can't be used to remove heavy makeup- The price point is too high for a cleanser product that can't cleanse properly...❤ Trilogy Balancing Gel Cleanser (Rp 590.000,-)❤ Main Ingredients: Rosehip, Witch Hazel, Willow Bark, Aloe Vera, Cucumber, Honey, Echinacea, Elderberry, Chamomile❤ REVIEW+ PLUS:+ Best for Combination & oily skin but also nice for dryer skin+ Not stripping away moisture from skin+ Non-drying+ Gentle formula can shoote the skin+ Natural & organic ingredients+ Nice natural fragrance+ Soap free+ Balance & tone skin+ Skin feels clean afterward.-MINUS:- A nice gel cleanser & also contain 150ml of product, but maybe the price point is still a bit high..❤ Trilogy Certified Organic Rosehip Oil (Rp 350.000,- for 20ml)❤ Main Ingredients: Roship Seed Oil❤ REVIEW+ PLUS:+ Nourish & repair (I used it when I have irritated skin & big pimples, in just 2 days my skin improved & got a lot better)+ Moisturizing+ Non-sticky & doesn't feels oily+ Natural & organic ingredients+ Easily absorb into skin+ Makes skin healthier & plumper+ Helps brighten the skin+ Worth the price.-MINUS:- A quite strong "fishy" smell is somewhat disturbing on the 1st couple uses, but I get used to the smell now.. #MicelReview #ClozetteID
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[[TRILOGY PRODUCTS REVIEW]].Hi, MiLuvsKalau kamu suka skincare yang punya kandungan organik & ramah lingkungan, you might want to try these products from New Zealand @trilogy_id but 1st ini dia reviewnya~.❤ Trilogy Cream Cleanser (Rp 340.000,-)❤ Main Ingredients: Roship, Evening Primrose, Jojoba, Carrot, Almond❤ REVIEW+ PLUS:+ Mild & creamy formula+ Moisturizing+ Non-drying+ Natural & organic ingredients+ Nice natural fragrance+ Easily removed with water+ Makes skin feel smooth afterward.-MINUS:- Only for removing a very light makeup, can't be used to remove heavy makeup- The price point is too high for a cleanser product that can't cleanse properly...❤ Trilogy Balancing Gel Cleanser (Rp 590.000,-)❤ Main Ingredients: Rosehip, Witch Hazel, Willow Bark, Aloe Vera, Cucumber, Honey, Echinacea, Elderberry, Chamomile❤ REVIEW+ PLUS:+ Best for Combination & oily skin but also nice for dryer skin+ Not stripping away moisture from skin+ Non-drying+ Gentle formula can shoote the skin+ Natural & organic ingredients+ Nice natural fragrance+ Soap free+ Balance & tone skin+ Skin feels clean afterward.-MINUS:- A nice gel cleanser & also contain 150ml of product, but maybe the price point is still a bit high..❤ Trilogy Certified Organic Rosehip Oil (Rp 350.000,- for 20ml)❤ Main Ingredients: Roship Seed Oil❤ REVIEW+ PLUS:+ Nourish & repair (I used it when I have irritated skin & big pimples, in just 2 days my skin improved & got a lot better)+ Moisturizing+ Non-sticky & doesn't feels oily+ Natural & organic ingredients+ Easily absorb into skin+ Makes skin healthier & plumper+ Helps brighten the skin+ Worth the price.-MINUS:- A quite strong "fishy" smell is somewhat disturbing on the 1st couple uses, but I get used to the smell now.. #MicelReview #ClozetteID
Categories : skincare, skincare
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[[FOREVERSKIN SALMON PATCH REVIEW]].Hi, MiLuvsSiapa yang suka ikan salmon?Aku juga sukaaa~ pas banget aku mau share patch gemes dari @foreverskin_cosmetic yang punya kandungan DNA salmon nih! Selain model patch mereka juga punya yang sheet mask untuk seluruh wajah. Langsung reviewnya yaa💕.❤ Foreverskin Salmon Patch❤ Variant: Eye Patch, Line Patch, Cheek Patch❤ REVIEW+ PLUS:+ Cute design+ Moisturizing+ Thin & easily attached onto skin+ Non sticky formula+ Plump the skin+ Dewy finish+ Has a pleasant floral fragrance+ Targeting certain area.-MINUS:- None. #MicelReview #ClozetteID
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[[The Fepi Beauty Products Review]].Hi, MiLuvsKemarin aku pernah unboxing paket kiriman dari @thefepi yang adalah perusahaan dari Korea Selatan yang menyediakan berbagai fashion ternama untuk wilayah Indonesia. Nah, sekarang mereka mau merambah ke beauty juga nih. Jadi ini salah 2 product yang mereka jual & akan aku review di sini..❤ Macqueen Waterproof Slim-Shot Gel Liner (Rp 220.000,- for 1+1)❤ Shades: 02 Dark Brown❤ REVIEW+ PLUS:+ Super Slim+ Easy to use+ Glides Smoothly+ Intense color+ Quick set+ Smudge-proof+ Water-proof+ Long lasting+ No creasing.-MINUS:- Doesn't contains much product.❤ Unleashia Get Loose Glitter Gel (Rp 350.000,-)❤ Shades: No 2 Starlit Chaser❤ REVIEW+ PLUS:+ Cute Packaging+ Easy to apply+ Pretty glitter color+ Doesn't feel sticky+ Quick set+ Water-proof+ Long lasting+ Contains lots of product (a little goes a long way)+ Easy to remove.-MINUS:- None. #MicelReview #ClozetteID
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Yuyur aku paling ngga suka di foto dari arah depan kaya gini karena rahangku asimetris.Kalau kalian notice aku selalu ambil foto miring ke kiri karena aku penganut kanan-genic alias sebelah kanan wajah aku proporsinya lebih bagus kalau di foto..Terus aku pasti hampir selalu edit rahang & tulang pipi karena tegas bentuknya sedangkan tipe ideal aku itu wajah yang bulet telur kaya mukanya @nicolesmakeup_ 😆😆.Tadi waktu aku lagi coba edit buat halusin rahangnya eh kok ngga cocok. Akhirnya ngga jadi aku edit deh. So here it is my asymmetrical jaws 💕 #ClozetteID
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