I AM THRILLED TO BITS!!! Finally got these babies on my hands after waiting for so long. Can’t wait to play with them. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 Oh by the way, they are Subculture by @anastasiabeverlyhills and Retro Love by @badhabitbeauty. #subculture #abhsubculture #anastasiabeverlyhills #anastasiabeverlyhillssubculture #subculturepalette #badhabitbeauty #badhabit #badhabitretrolove #retrolove #retrolovepalette #dupe #dupethat @dupethat #clozetteid #IVGbeauty
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[TUTORIAL] Nihhhh siapa yang kemarin minta tutorial buat alis? Ini tampilan alis natural tapi tetep on fleek. Step by step:1. Sikat alis pakai spoolie biar rapih2. Buat ‘cetakan’ pakai concealer biar kelihatan bentuknya gimana. Step ini lebih mudah untuk bikin alis soalnya nggak bakalan berantakan. Ini aku pakai @marcjacobs_id Re(marc)able full cover concealer.3. Buat bingkai alis pakai pomade. Cuman jangan banyak-banyak biar hasilnya natural. Ini aku pakai @anastasiabeverlyhills brow pomade yang shade ebony.4. Buat garis-garis menyerupai rambut pakai brow definer. Fungsinya juga buat ngisi bagian yang kosong dan ngerapihin lagi. Nah aku pakai brow definer @lagirlindonesia Yang shade espresso. Tag aku ya kalau kalian cobain buat alis kayak gini juga 🤗. #tampilcantik @tampilcantik @preciouseventplanner_ @zonamakeup.id @inspirasi_cantikmu #inspirasi_cantikmu @hypnaughty.makeup #hypnaughtymakeup #IVGbeauty #clozetteid #gigi_maes_vaidosas @gigi_maes_vaidosas #lagirlindonesia #tutorialmakeup #tutorialalis
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If you’re fan of Bobbi Brown products like us, you’ll be thrilled to know that @bobbibrownid is now available at @sephoraidn. Today, @tiffanikosh @gianciana @larassitafaza and I got a chance to visit the launching of Skin Long-wear Weightless Foundation Full Cover Cushion Compact SPF 50 (such a long name 😂), tried the soon-to-be-hyped cushion, and fell in love instantly. In the video, You can watch how we have so much fun trying the products. You can experience the same excitement by visiting Sephora and trying the products by yourself. Have fun! #BobbiBrownID #bobbibrownskinlongwearweightlessfoundation #clozetteID #sephoraidn
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Heyooooo!!! I just uploaded new video on my youtube channel. I was wearing the newly launched @lagirlindonesia Pro Matte HD Foundation. Kalau kalian pengen tahu performa dan test wear dari foundie itu, tonton aja di videonya. I was also wearing:- @guerlain L’Or Radiance Primer- @blpbeauty lashes Poised- @beautycreations.cosmetics Olivia bought at @ivabeaute.id - @maybelline age rewind concealer- @maybelline Fit Me loose finishing powder@indobeautygram #IVGbeauty #clozetteID @tampilcantik #TampilCantik #peachyqueenblog #tutorialmakeup #undiscovered_muas #lagirlfoundation #lagirlpromattefoundation
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Who’s coming to #jakartaxbeauty2018? Let’s meet up! I just filmed new video first impression trying the newly launched @lagirlindonesia pro matte foundation. And this is my look going to jktxbeauty. #lagirlpromattefoundation #clozetteid #IVGbeauty
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I was wearing lipstick Head Turner and lashes Girl Next Door from @mobcosmetic. Check out my previous post to see another shade.
#mobcosmetic #mobcosmetics #IVGbeauty #clozetteID #lipstiklokal #lipstick
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#mobcosmetic #mobcosmetics #IVGbeauty #clozetteID #lipstiklokal #lipstick
Heyooo! I was having fun with these beautiful people on @cliniqueindonesia VIP store tour. I always like visiting @cliniqueindonesia store as I got more knowledge to treat my skin better, and I hope my friends here thought the same. I want to give a shout out to @nurulsulisto who has answered so many questions that I have and @dikastiff for being a wonderful host. And also my ladies @raniayasminyahya @eccy_marrafa @ipith23 @feezafauziah that so sweet and friendly. I had a blast spending time with you guys. Luvvvv 😘😘😘 #CliniqueID #Clinique #clozetteID
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I add @cliniqueindonesia Even Better dark spot corrector & optimizer in my skincare routine to make my skintone even. Jadi sejak breakout kapan lalu warna kulitku jadi belang-belang gitu loh. Hope this product work well on me. So far sih aku pakai 2 hari ini, it feel lightweight yet also hydrate my skin and it feels supple. But I'll give my final thought beberapa hari lagi deh. Tungguin yaaa... Meanwhile, kalian udah pada ikutan giveaway aku dan @cliniqueindonesia belum? Cek postingan sebelumnya yahhhh. Luvvv 😘 #CliniqueID #CliniquexSeibu #teamdhenok ..@tampilcantik #tampilcantik @preciouseventplanner_ #IVGbeauty #ClozetteID #giveawayindo #giveawayindonesia
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I add @cliniqueindonesia Even Better dark spot corrector & optimizer in my skincare routine to make my skintone even. Jadi sejak breakout kapan lalu warna kulitku jadi belang-belang gitu loh. Hope this product work well on me. So far sih aku pakai 2 hari ini, it feel lightweight yet also hydrate my skin and it feels supple. But I'll give my final thought beberapa hari lagi deh. Tungguin yaaa... Meanwhile, kalian udah pada ikutan giveaway aku dan @cliniqueindonesia belum? Cek postingan sebelumnya yahhhh. Luvvv 😘 #CliniqueID #CliniquexSeibu #teamdhenok ..@tampilcantik #tampilcantik @preciouseventplanner_ #IVGbeauty #ClozetteID #giveawayindo #giveawayindonesia
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