Biasanya kita tuh paling sulit banget nentuin shade foundation yang cocok untuk kulit Sawo matang seperti diindonesia. Dan kadang susah juga nyari foundat...
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“Kak gimana caranya nutupin jerawat aku ya Kak?” Kalau warnanya aja, bisa. Tinggal pakai color correction atau pakai full coverage foundation.Tapi, kalau yang dimaksud adalah teksturnya, saran aku lebih ke pemakaian skincare supaya jerawatnya cepet kempes, atau kalau emang perlu cepet, mungkin suntik jerawat bisa jadi alternatif karena makeup ga bisa nutupin tekstur wajah kita. Di wajah aku, ada bekas hemangioma yang saat ini ada teksturnya (alhamdulillah semakin menipis seiring berjalannya waktu), itu ga bisa ditutup makeup, yang aku bisa lakukan menutupi warna kemerahannya.Selamat Malam Rabu mantemaaan.. #makeup #clozetteid #love #colorcorrecting
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Clozette Ambassador @yanitasya said that Infallible Pro Matte Liquid Lipstick has matte finish, 16-hour longlast, full coverage, non drying, lightweight and liquid lip as well as adding shape and dimension to lips. Are you guys agree? Share your thoughts with Clozette on Beauty Community!
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Clozette Ambassador @yanita.sya said that Infallible Pro Matte Liquid Lipstick has matte finish, 16-hour longlast, full coverage, non drying, lightweight and liquid lip as well as adding shape and dimension to lips. Are you guys agree? Share your thoughts with us on comment section!Download Clozette Indonesia App di Google Play dan dapatkan daily updates of Fashion, Beauty, Hijab and Lifestyle. #ClozetteID
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10 JAM ANTI CAKEY - Resep Foundation Tahan Lama, Matte, Mulus dan Full Coverage - YouTube
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Nine out of ten people like chocolate, the tenth person always lies 😝 Who doesn't love chocolate? Especially Infallible Pro Matte Liquid Lipstick @getthelookid matte finish, 16-hour longlast, full coverage, non drying, lightweight and liquid lip as well as adding shape and dimension to lips. Available on @sociolla
#flatlay #clozetteid #flatlaytoday #makeup #photooftheday
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#flatlay #clozetteid #flatlaytoday #makeup #photooftheday
Untuk mendapatkan makeup dengan full coverage,biasanya aku mengkombinasikan beberapa jenis foundation. But now,since I’ve found Nyx Total Control Mesh Cushion Foundation I don’t need to mix more than one foundation. Cukup sedikit aja udah cukup untuk menutupi ketidaksempurnaan pada wajah. Formulanya ringan dan mengontrol minyak dengan sangat baik. You can watch the full review on my channel. #Clozetteid #makeup #Clozetteidreview #NYX #totallycontrol #NYXxClozetteIDReview #NYXxClozetteID
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Wajah saya mulus bukan karena filter dan edit tetapi tertutup Cushion Foundation yang full coverage, liat aja tekstur jerawat saya masih kelihatan tapi bekasnya ketutup semua, kan? Seterharu itu sih kalau nemu produk complexion bagus 😭
Makasih @nyxcosmetics_indonesia dan @clozetteid atas kesempatannya, saya jadi bisa bikin review detail produk ini. Temen-temen yang kepo gimana hasilnya di wajah saya, cusss~ ke blog post terbaru Aprijanti.com yah! ❤️ #Clozetteid #makeup #Clozetteidreview #totallyincontrol #nyxcosmeticsid #NYXxClozetteIDReview #NYXxClozetteID
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Wajah saya mulus bukan karena filter dan edit tetapi tertutup Cushion Foundation yang full coverage, liat aja tekstur jerawat saya masih kelihatan tapi bekasnya ketutup semua, kan? Seterharu itu sih kalau nemu produk complexion bagus 😭
Makasih @nyxcosmetics_indonesia dan @clozetteid atas kesempatannya, saya jadi bisa bikin review detail produk ini. Temen-temen yang kepo gimana hasilnya di wajah saya, cusss~ ke blog post terbaru Aprijanti.com yah! ❤️ #Clozetteid #makeup #Clozetteidreview #totallyincontrol #nyxcosmeticsid #NYXxClozetteIDReview #NYXxClozetteID
Lovin' this full coverage cushion foundation from @nyxcosmetics_indonesia
For your info, NYX Cushion Foundation has 10 shades so no need to worry about shade anymore!
I'm pretty sure you can find your shade! Oh and I'm using shade 08 Classic Chestnut by the way
Read full review about this FULL COVERAGE CUSHION on my blog http://www.niiasantoso.com/2018/10/review-coverage-test-nyx-total-control.html or simply just click link on my bio
@clozetteid #clozetteid #makeup #clozetteidreview #totallyincontrol #nyxcosmeticsid #NYXxClozetteIDReview #NYXxClozetteID #nyxcushion #beautybloggerindonesia #beautiesquad #Beautygoersid #nyxmeshcushionfoundation
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For your info, NYX Cushion Foundation has 10 shades so no need to worry about shade anymore!
I'm pretty sure you can find your shade! Oh and I'm using shade 08 Classic Chestnut by the way
Read full review about this FULL COVERAGE CUSHION on my blog http://www.niiasantoso.com/2018/10/review-coverage-test-nyx-total-control.html or simply just click link on my bio
@clozetteid #clozetteid #makeup #clozetteidreview #totallyincontrol #nyxcosmeticsid #NYXxClozetteIDReview #NYXxClozetteID #nyxcushion #beautybloggerindonesia #beautiesquad #Beautygoersid #nyxmeshcushionfoundation