Memenuhi voting di igs kemarin, skincare journey sudah up di blog!
Postingan terpanjang tahun ini kayaknya deh hahahaha. Perjalanan skincareku selama 4 tahun dirangkum dalam 1 blogpost 😱 klik link di bio buat cek postingannya yaa!
Foto di atas difotoin @urufi_hime 😉
#aidacht #clozetteid #beautiesquad #skincare #skincarejourney #blog #beauty #l4l #f4f #review #skincarereview #skincareroutine #blogger #beautybloggers #skincarejunkie
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Postingan terpanjang tahun ini kayaknya deh hahahaha. Perjalanan skincareku selama 4 tahun dirangkum dalam 1 blogpost 😱 klik link di bio buat cek postingannya yaa!
Foto di atas difotoin @urufi_hime 😉
#aidacht #clozetteid #beautiesquad #skincare #skincarejourney #blog #beauty #l4l #f4f #review #skincarereview #skincareroutine #blogger #beautybloggers #skincarejunkie
Selama kurang lebih hampir 3 mingguan pakai @carewellindonesia Flek Package, akhirnya kelihatan juga hasilnya flek lama dan bekas jerawat baru memudar. Cek deh before afternya di youtubeku Kornelia Luciana 😉. #skincarecarewell #carewellflekpackage #carewellskincare #skincareaddict #SkincareReview #ClozetteID
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🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀 Last time I told in my previous post that I can't tolerate LAA hence I prefer THD (derivatives vit c) to LAA (a potent vit c), but I forgot that korean skincare @wishtrend.id also has 21.5 vit c serum which doesn't iritate my skin. The very affordable vit c but give all what I need especially to get rid of acne brown spot fast without being iritation and purging. It has watery texture but a little bit tacky and slight tingling when I apply to my face. But worry me not! Because It really works for refining texture, brightening acne brown spot and also hydrating my skin.For attention, Vit c serum especially LAA will be better to store in the fridge and far away from direct sunlight. Repurchase? Yes! Mine is almost empty and I think I still need buying this next month. #skincarereview #skincareroutine #ribbonskincarereview #skincareaddict #koreanskincare #vitc #bywishtrend #beautybloggerindonesia #indobeautygram #indobeautysquad #beautynesia #ClozetteID #bloggermafia #skincarecommunity
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The Ordinary Lactic Acid 5%+HA 2% review (in Bahasa): .🐼 Awal mulanya saya enggak mencium wangi atau bau apa pun dari produk ini. Namun seiring berjalannya waktu, tercium wangi asam ala ala yoghurt.🐼 Teksturnya cair, tapi kamu harus menepuk-nepuk agar merata dengan baik agar meresap.🐼 Produk ini mild exfoliator.Selengkapnya bisa dibaca di link bio #theordinaryreview #skincarereview #insommiareview #skincarecommunity #lacticacid #beautiesquad #setterspace #beautygoersid #clozetteid
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Probio C Vitamin C SpraySpray yang lagi aku pakai kalau lagi butuh yang segar2, mengandung vitamin c yang bagus untuk nutrisi kulit.Ada yang pernah pakai juga? #clozetteid #clozettestar #bvlogger #gengbvlog #beautiesquad #beautybloggerindonesia #jogjabloggirls #BeautyInfluencer #SkincareReview #skincareaddict
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Such a sweet skin care from @cliniqueindonesia ..Skincare ini perfect banget kalau kamu punya tipe kulit kombinasi or kulit kering. Kalau aku capek banget, kulit aku bakal kering banget parah. Kulitnya kelupas kecil2 dan juga make up aku ga mau nempel. Nah makanya i need skin care yang punya high moisture content. ..Bahkan ya kalau aku, kalau aku lagi ga pake make up dirmh, aku sering banget pake face spray nya cause bikin buka aku jadi ga kering and kulitnya jadi lebih kenyelll ..Biar ga diambil orang, sampe2 aku kasih nama aku diatasnya ahahahhaaha... karena aku ga mau kehilangannn diaaaa #review #skincarereview #bloggerindo #clozetteid #hicharis #blogger #charisceleb #cliniqueid
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Selamat siang! Lagi laper-lapernya nih pasti ya, sama dong! Selain perut yg dikasih makan jangan lupa kulit juga dikasih makan ya dengan skincare ga bikin batal puasa kok hehehe.
Aku ada review beberapa produk @garnierindonesia di blog langsung cus ke bit.ly/garniergoodies yah, direct link d bio. Thank you Garnier udah sponsorin ulang tahunnya @femalebloggersid yang kedua 😘
#garnierindonesia #ifbxgarnier #indonesianfemalebloggers #indonesianbeautyblogger #ClozetteID #skincare #garnier #skincarereview
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Aku ada review beberapa produk @garnierindonesia di blog langsung cus ke bit.ly/garniergoodies yah, direct link d bio. Thank you Garnier udah sponsorin ulang tahunnya @femalebloggersid yang kedua 😘
#garnierindonesia #ifbxgarnier #indonesianfemalebloggers #indonesianbeautyblogger #ClozetteID #skincare #garnier #skincarereview
Some of you have been asking me what skincare I use to keep my facial skin healthy and young-looking, that is also safe for pregnancy. Well, lately I have been using these CLINELLE Caviar Gold products. .
The Caviar Gold set comprises 3 items: a Firming Lotion, an Eye Serum, and a Firming Cream. They are formulated with the Triple Gold Lifting and Firming Complex (Caviar, 24K Nano Gold and Phyto Plant Gold). I’ve been using them for 2 weeks and thought they are excellent!
I will be posting a blog post tonight for a more complete review. So stay on the look out! .
Have you ever tried CLINELLE? Tell me what you think!
#beautyreview #skincarereview #clozetteid #skincare #clinellexclozetteidreview #ClinelleIndonesia #ClinelleCaviarGold #Clinelle #ProtectandRevive
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The Caviar Gold set comprises 3 items: a Firming Lotion, an Eye Serum, and a Firming Cream. They are formulated with the Triple Gold Lifting and Firming Complex (Caviar, 24K Nano Gold and Phyto Plant Gold). I’ve been using them for 2 weeks and thought they are excellent!
I will be posting a blog post tonight for a more complete review. So stay on the look out! .
Have you ever tried CLINELLE? Tell me what you think!
#beautyreview #skincarereview #clozetteid #skincare #clinellexclozetteidreview #ClinelleIndonesia #ClinelleCaviarGold #Clinelle #ProtectandRevive
🌼🌼🌼. . . #skincarefirst #beauty #skincareroutine #skincarereview #skincare #beautygram #clozetteid #kbeauty
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