I feel cute wearing @_ohyoufancy_
What do you think? 😜 📸 @ena_teo
#ladies_journal #ootd #fashion #lookbook #outfits #style #clozette #clozetteid #asiangirls
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What do you think? 😜 📸 @ena_teo
#ladies_journal #ootd #fashion #lookbook #outfits #style #clozette #clozetteid #asiangirls
#OOTD during #CoolJapan Launch Party by @clozetteco and Cool Japan Fund.Thanks for having me and my friend 😊 📸 by @lyzpopz #ladies_journal #clozette #tgif #clozetteid #denim #asiangirls #fashion #beauty
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Personally love this look! Jarang2 kan w kepedean 🤪😭 I’m gonna recreate this makeup, tapi belom tau kapan 🙂 Ga sempet bikin konten karna lagi ngehandle banyak editan. Better time management is very much needed! 💪🏻... #clozetteid #makeuplook #makeupideas #fashionblogger #beautyblogger #asiangirls #naturalmakeup #cute #bloggerperempuan #indonesianfemalebloggers #tampilcantik #beautybloggerlife #メイク #コスメ #부티 #뷰티스타그램
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Aku emank hobby banget koleksi earrings luchu.. And ini salah satunya... aku kmrn nemu ini di @wearring.id
#earrings .
#ootd #instastyle #fashion #stylefashiondaily #bloggerstyle #koreanlook #asiangirls #lookbook #lookbookindo #ootdindo #styleblogger #styleinspiration #dailystyle #tampilcantik #flowerdress #dress #clozetteid
#셀스타그램 #팔로우 #오오티디 #패션 #데일리 #일상 #데일리 #whatiwore #ootdmagazine #exploretocreate
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#earrings .
#ootd #instastyle #fashion #stylefashiondaily #bloggerstyle #koreanlook #asiangirls #lookbook #lookbookindo #ootdindo #styleblogger #styleinspiration #dailystyle #tampilcantik #flowerdress #dress #clozetteid
#셀스타그램 #팔로우 #오오티디 #패션 #데일리 #일상 #데일리 #whatiwore #ootdmagazine #exploretocreate
Terlihat senang padahal super kepanasan 🌝🤪... #clozetteid #fashionblogger #beautybloggerindonesia #ggrep #asiangirl #lifestyleblogger #샐카 #패션 #뷰티 #darlingdaily
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"If you are sad add more lipstick and attack"
#me #beautybloggers #kbbvfeatured #clozetteid #morning #makeupartist #makeupartistdoha #hangout #asiangirls #shorthairgirls #yukalicious15
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#me #beautybloggers #kbbvfeatured #clozetteid #morning #makeupartist #makeupartistdoha #hangout #asiangirls #shorthairgirls #yukalicious15
Aku cinta banget seh ama pita yang satu ini. @hendrythan I love it so much banget... gemessss... aku mau diginiin lagi 🤣🤣🤣🤣Style and make up @hendrythan Photo @avenaphotograph ... #bridesidea #bridestory #weddingku #charisceleb #clozetteid #hicharis #white #asiangirl
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In time, i understand that there is always something good in what God has chosen for me
Love my simple top by @label8store
Bag by @katespadeny
#ootd #outfitoftheday #instastyle #fashion #stylefashiondaily #fashionaddict #lifestyleblog #bloggerstyle #koreanlook #asiangirls #potd #lookbook #lookbookindo #ootdindo #ootdmagazine #styleblogger #fashionpost #styleinspiration #dailystyle #ggrep #indobeautygram #beautybloggerid #charisceleb
#clozetteid #charisceleb #hicharis
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Love my simple top by @label8store
Bag by @katespadeny
#ootd #outfitoftheday #instastyle #fashion #stylefashiondaily #fashionaddict #lifestyleblog #bloggerstyle #koreanlook #asiangirls #potd #lookbook #lookbookindo #ootdindo #ootdmagazine #styleblogger #fashionpost #styleinspiration #dailystyle #ggrep #indobeautygram #beautybloggerid #charisceleb
#clozetteid #charisceleb #hicharis
Cuter than real life 😰😅In KTX from Busan to Seoul :")... #clozetteid #fashionblogger #beautyblogger #ggrep #bigdreamerblog #pinkhair #busan #koreatrip #asiangirl
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