Black and White...Not Gray ◼◻ #bloggerstyle #bloggerlifestyle #bloggerslife #blackandwhite #clozetteid
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Young Living Seedlings ™️ Baby Wash & Shampoo diformulasikan khusus untuk kulit bayi yang lembut. Formulanya yang ringan dan lembut membuatnya tidak pedih dimata, bebas sulfat, dan terbuat dari 100% tumbuhan yang berasal dari bahan alami sehingga membuat kulit dan rambut si kecil menjadi bersih, lembut, halus dan mudah disisir.Produk ini juga berfungsi ganda yakni sebagai sabun dan shampoo sekaligus sehingga dapat membersihkan bayi dari kepala hingga ujung kaki..Aromanya ringan dengan 100% minyak esensial murni - diformulasikan dengan campuran Calm Lavender, Coriander, Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, dan minyak esensial Geranium.. #SeedlingsID #YoungLivingSeedlings@thesmartmama@yleoid ... #cicidesricom #cidessharing #cidesupdate #cidesreview #clozetteid #bloggerid #bloggerlifestyle #momsblogger #YoungLivingID
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Hari ini aku menghadiri peluncuran produk terbaru dari Young Living di Indonesia yaitu rangkaian produk perawatan kulit bayi dengan formula alami yang aman untuk kulit sensitif bayi dilengkapi dg kandungan essential oils utk membantu memberikan kenyamanan bagi si kecil.
Moms pasti sudah familiar dg Young Living khususnya essential oils nya yang banyak dipakai oleh Mommies.
#SeedlingsID #YoungLivingSeedlings
@yleoid .
#cicidesricom #cidessharing #cidesupdate #cidesreview #clozetteid #bloggerid #bloggerlifestyle #momsblogger #YoungLivingID
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Moms pasti sudah familiar dg Young Living khususnya essential oils nya yang banyak dipakai oleh Mommies.
#SeedlingsID #YoungLivingSeedlings
@yleoid .
#cicidesricom #cidessharing #cidesupdate #cidesreview #clozetteid #bloggerid #bloggerlifestyle #momsblogger #YoungLivingID
Pose #ootd ala-ala amatiran 😜
Btw, happy weekend gengs! Spread love! ❣
#shinebabyshine #ootd
#ootdfashion #ootdindo #ootdmagazine #theartofslowliving #fashion #cupoftheday #feelfreefeed #lovelysquares #chasinglight #finditliveit #thesimpleeveryday #minimal_perfection #minimalism #weheartit #blog #bloggerlifestyle #beautybloggerindonesia #bloggerlife #bloggerindonesia #clozetteid #minimalove #fashionblogger #fashioninfluencers
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Btw, happy weekend gengs! Spread love! ❣
#shinebabyshine #ootd
#ootdfashion #ootdindo #ootdmagazine #theartofslowliving #fashion #cupoftheday #feelfreefeed #lovelysquares #chasinglight #finditliveit #thesimpleeveryday #minimal_perfection #minimalism #weheartit #blog #bloggerlifestyle #beautybloggerindonesia #bloggerlife #bloggerindonesia #clozetteid #minimalove #fashionblogger #fashioninfluencers
Yang malam mingguan di rumah, mana suaranyaaaaaahh??Sama dong kitaaa ✌ #shinebabyshine #theartofslowliving #fashion #cupoftheday #feelfreefeed #lovelysquares #chasinglight #finditliveit #thesimpleeveryday #minimal_perfection #minimalism #weheartit #blog #bloggerlifestyle #beautybloggerindonesia #bloggerlife #bloggerindonesia #clozetteid #minimalove #fashionblogger #fashioninfluencers
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Besok Rabu, lusa Kamis, terus Jumat, terus cuti dehh 🍻🎢 Seneng aja dulu, walaupun cuti belum diapprove 😐 #shinebabyshine #theartofslowliving #cupoftheday #feelfreefeed #lovelysquares #darlingdaily #theeverygirl #chasinglight #finditliveit #thesimpleeveryday #minimal_perfection #minimalism #weheartit #blog #dailylife #igdaily #bloggerlifestyle #beautybloggerindonesia #bloggerlife #bloggerindonesia #clozetteid #lessismore #minimalove #simplicity #simpleandpure #Beautiesquad #JakartaBeautyBlogger
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Happy weekend, gengs! 🌹🍃.
#shinebabyshine #ootd
#ootdfashion #ootdindo #ootdmagazine #theartofslowliving #fashion #cupoftheday #feelfreefeed #lovelysquares #chasinglight #finditliveit #thesimpleeveryday #minimal_perfection #minimalism #weheartit #blog #bloggerlifestyle #beautybloggerindonesia #bloggerlife #bloggerindonesia #clozetteid #lessismore #minimalove #simplicity #simpleandpure #fashionblogger
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#shinebabyshine #ootd
#ootdfashion #ootdindo #ootdmagazine #theartofslowliving #fashion #cupoftheday #feelfreefeed #lovelysquares #chasinglight #finditliveit #thesimpleeveryday #minimal_perfection #minimalism #weheartit #blog #bloggerlifestyle #beautybloggerindonesia #bloggerlife #bloggerindonesia #clozetteid #lessismore #minimalove #simplicity #simpleandpure #fashionblogger
Black and Grey know no age ♾
Photographed by @xdeastax 📍 @aloftjakarta
#shinebabyshine #ootd
#ootdfashion #ootdindo #ootdmagazine #theartofslowliving #fashion #cupoftheday #feelfreefeed #lovelysquares #chasinglight #finditliveit #thesimpleeveryday #grey #blackandgrey #minimal_perfection #minimalism #weheartit #blog #bloggerlifestyle #beautybloggerindonesia #bloggerlife #bloggerindonesia #clozetteid #lessismore #minimalove #simplicity #simpleandpure #fashionblogger
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Photographed by @xdeastax 📍 @aloftjakarta
#shinebabyshine #ootd
#ootdfashion #ootdindo #ootdmagazine #theartofslowliving #fashion #cupoftheday #feelfreefeed #lovelysquares #chasinglight #finditliveit #thesimpleeveryday #grey #blackandgrey #minimal_perfection #minimalism #weheartit #blog #bloggerlifestyle #beautybloggerindonesia #bloggerlife #bloggerindonesia #clozetteid #lessismore #minimalove #simplicity #simpleandpure #fashionblogger
Legal aliens 👽 📸 @xdeastax📍 @aloftjakarta #shinebabyshine #ootd #ootdfashion #ootdindo #ootdmagazine theartofslowliving #fashion #cupoftheday #feelfreefeed #lovelysquares #chasinglight #finditliveit #thesimpleeveryday #grey #blackandgrey #minimal_perfection #minimalism #weheartit #blog #bloggerlifestyle #beautybloggerindonesia #bloggerlife #bloggerindonesia #clozetteid #lessismore #minimalove #simplicity #simpleandpure #fashionblogger
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