These past few months been nothing but roller coaster. OH MY GOD I want to scream at the top of the tallest building in the city.-But no, I still manage myself to scream inside my heart. And things been great lately because... do I really need to tell you the reason? 😝-Top by @lifeflowershop 🌸
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"Kaki ke depan biar kelihatan jenjang!""Miring dikit dong biar kelihatan kurus!""Eh itu paha atau gedebok pisang?" "Astaga.. itu lengan atau paha?"_____Hahaha tolong jangan tanya saya apa kalimat seperti itu sering didapat? Jawabannya sudah pasti iya. Malah dari kecil ! Tapi saya ga pernah marah. Bahkan waktu di sekolah dari SD-SMA sering diejek gendut, gembrot, dll.. padahal di kelas ada yang jauh lebih besar dari saya. Mungkin kalau anak lain diajak bercanda seperti itu sudah ngambek, tapi saya mah cuek ! Malah ga sedikitpun sakit hati. Justru saya tanggapi bercanda juga.. "aku ga gendut ! Aku TERLANJUR sexy!" Percayalah itu kata-kata penghibur dari jaman SD sampai sekarang. 😁 Bahkan pernah cowok yang saya suka mengejek perut isi lemak berlebih, biasa saja !____No more body shaming! Big or small, short or tall, none of us are beautiful if we tear others down to build ourselves up ❤____ #clozetteid #bodyshaming #hijabfashion #hijabootd #fashionhijab #hijabstyle #guegendutguepd
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Because making these changes to your wardrobe is totally worth it.
Simak juga artikel menarik lainnya di Article Section pada Clozette App.
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Get ready to build arms of steel with this 15-minute workout. All you need is a set of medium free weights, and we'll help you strengthen and sculpt your...
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NiteNite from Umeda Sky Building with @berbagi_pagi 💗
#clozetteid #hello #wheninosaka #umedaskybuilding #lumixphotography
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#clozetteid #hello #wheninosaka #umedaskybuilding #lumixphotography
👸🏻: Daddy pls wait. I’ve found an interesting angle *turned on my Camera and started capturing*🤴🏻: Sometimes when we see interesting angles through our eyes, it turns out to be not so satisfying in the camera.👸🏻: Yeah, I know. exactly. But I think this one is interesting both ways. You know I always fall in love with the scenery of Hong Kong’s pastel buildings mixed with its nature. I want to capture pics like that a lot 🏩🌲🌳💖💙💚
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Dapet #SOCOBOX dari @sociolla @beautyjournal sama @makeoverid nih 😍From eyes, cheek, lips semuanya pakai produk dari @makeoverid terutama shimmer dan glowy di wajah ini dipersembahkan oleh Make Over Riche Glow Face Highlighter ⚡Details :- @makeoverid Riche Glow Highlighter- @makeoverid Ultra Hi Matte Lipstick- @makeoverid Eyeliner Pencil - Nude SleekSiapa yang udah nyobain Make Over Riche Glow Highlighter? Ini cuma ada 1 shades tapi warnanya hampir bisa untuk semua skintone. Untuk skintone gelap pasti akan reflektif banget, tapi bisa di kontrol kok penggunaannya.Teksturnya creamy, warnanya champagne di pan tapi agak lebih white pearl buat aku pas dipake di wajah. Produknya gampang menyebar juga.Pro tip : pakai highlighternya dengan brush biar bisa di build up produknya. Pakai dengan jari kalau mau yang blindiiiing banget. #SOCOBOXMakeOver #SOCOBOXSBN #SOCOchallenge #clozetteid #beautiesquad #fdbeauty #setterspace @setterspace #bunnyneedsmakeup @bunnyneedsmakeup #beautychannelid @beautychannel.id #tampilcantik @tampilcantik
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"Instagram itu sebenernya nggak toxic, kamunya aja yang ngerasa seolah-olah paling menyedihkan sendirian di dunia ini mailov.. " - Lilis, 2018 .
#vsco #vscocam #vscogood #livefolk #vacation #instadaily #happy #building #sky #nature #green #throwbackthursday #travelblogger #picoftheday #travel #people #yolo #exploresingapore #singapore #photoshoot #weekend #visitsingapore #street #photooftheday #likeforlike #igers #photography #outdoors #throwback #clozetteid
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#vsco #vscocam #vscogood #livefolk #vacation #instadaily #happy #building #sky #nature #green #throwbackthursday #travelblogger #picoftheday #travel #people #yolo #exploresingapore #singapore #photoshoot #weekend #visitsingapore #street #photooftheday #likeforlike #igers #photography #outdoors #throwback #clozetteid
Unexpected twist in life makes it an unexpectedly wonderful journey! The roller coaster ride might take you high and low but hold on and enjoy the ride. The perfect timing will eventually work out for everything. 😉
Spotted a unique Torajan building in frame 😍
#clozetteid #ootdindo #style #whatiwore #steviewears #lookbookindonesia #ggrep #tampilcantik #fashion @lookbookindonesia @styled.ootd
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Spotted a unique Torajan building in frame 😍
#clozetteid #ootdindo #style #whatiwore #steviewears #lookbookindonesia #ggrep #tampilcantik #fashion @lookbookindonesia @styled.ootd