Toner - produk wajib setelah cuci muka. Biasanya setelah cuci muka kulit cenderung terasa kesat, kering, kayak ketarik gitu. Makanya harus diikuti dengan toner supaya kulit terhidrasinlagi sekaligus mempersiapkan kulit untuk menerima rangkaian produk skincare lainnya..3minggu terakhir aku pakai Beau N Beau Secret 7 Skin. Awalnya ngerasa kayak kurang hydrate, ternyata lebih mempan kalo langsung di tap2 aja, ga perlu aplikasi pakai kapas.Apasih manfaat produk ini dibandingkan yang lain?- skin balance- moisturizing- natural care- skin calm down- no alcohol, no AHA, no BHA- mengandhng bunga teratai, greentea, lidah buaya, dan bambu #beaunbeau #charis #charisofficial #charisceleb #hicharis #clozetteid
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Masker EGGPRO ini masker telur yang ngeclaim menghilangkan aroma amisnya 100% lo.. .
Wah siapa yang doyan maskeran telur??
Yang pori2 besar, yang kusam yang keriput yang flek pasti demen 😍
Aku masih edit videonya.. Besok up di youtube ya 😘
Ditunggu.. Tapi yang buat penasaran langsung cek aja klik link dibio aku, atau link ini Eggro egg pack
#ALLUPBIO #EGGRO #charis #CHARISSTORE #charisAPP @charis_official #clozetteid #review #skincare #mask #masker #indonesianbeautyblogger #muablora #eggmask
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Masker EGGPRO ini masker telur yang ngeclaim menghilangkan aroma amisnya 100% lo.. .
Wah siapa yang doyan maskeran telur??
Yang pori2 besar, yang kusam yang keriput yang flek pasti demen 😍
Aku masih edit videonya.. Besok up di youtube ya 😘
Ditunggu.. Tapi yang buat penasaran langsung cek aja klik link dibio aku, atau link ini Eggro egg pack
#ALLUPBIO #EGGRO #charis #CHARISSTORE #charisAPP @charis_official #clozetteid #review #skincare #mask #masker #indonesianbeautyblogger #muablora #eggmask
Bersihin makeup edisi males + cepet.
Pakai @makeuperaserid cuma di celup air hangat udah bisa bersihin makeup semuka !
Abis itu double cleansing pake sabun dari @arenciaofficial .
Ternyata cuma pake busa busa nya aja muka udah kerasa bersih banget.
Ga nyangka sih 😂
Kalian bisa dapetin sabun Real French Clay ( French Egg ) dari @arenciaofficial ini di toko gue di CHARIS SHOP (klik link di bio)
Lagi diskon !!!!!
#arencia #charis #charisceleb #charisofficial #hicharis #doublecleansing
#makeup #makeuptutorial #wakeupandmakeup #tutorialmakeup #flovivi #makeupvideo #inspirasicantikmu #muajakarta #makeupoftheday #makeupforbarbies #mua #aestheticmakeup #100daysofmakeup #slave2beauty #allmodernmakeup
#hudabeauty #belajarmakeup #bretmansvanity
#tampilcantik #clozetteID
#makeuptutvid #tutorialmakeuplg #ragamkecantikan
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Pakai @makeuperaserid cuma di celup air hangat udah bisa bersihin makeup semuka !
Abis itu double cleansing pake sabun dari @arenciaofficial .
Ternyata cuma pake busa busa nya aja muka udah kerasa bersih banget.
Ga nyangka sih 😂
Kalian bisa dapetin sabun Real French Clay ( French Egg ) dari @arenciaofficial ini di toko gue di CHARIS SHOP (klik link di bio)
Lagi diskon !!!!!
#arencia #charis #charisceleb #charisofficial #hicharis #doublecleansing
#makeup #makeuptutorial #wakeupandmakeup #tutorialmakeup #flovivi #makeupvideo #inspirasicantikmu #muajakarta #makeupoftheday #makeupforbarbies #mua #aestheticmakeup #100daysofmakeup #slave2beauty #allmodernmakeup
#hudabeauty #belajarmakeup #bretmansvanity
#tampilcantik #clozetteID
#makeuptutvid #tutorialmakeuplg #ragamkecantikan
Nah nah nah!!!!Dari kemaren udah gak sabar bgt pengen kasih tau kalian my recent cushion yang sudah mencuri hati que😍😍Sengaja dicoba diwajah sendiri dulu, cracking gak kalo dipake panas2an, ternyata enggak dong. Coveragenya dewa😂😂 mau nangis dr pertama pake ini sumpah, sebagus itu. Trs cushion yg lain auto gak dipake wkwkwkw. Langsung ajah kunjungi link dibawah ini kalo kalian mau dapet discount dari aku ⬇⬇⬇.Zoom In Mesh Cushionhttps://hicharis.net/nrlfjrbrrh/7nR@superfacestudio #zoominmeshcushion #charis #charisceleb @charis_official #clozetteid
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[Video Updated Soon!]
Finally got my hand on this most talked about mesh cushion from @superfacestudio 😍
I fell in love with the packaging cause it contains my fave color which is yellow & black. Please take note that this is not a regular cushion with some kind of sponge in it but instead it has a mesh/net layer on top of the product. Which is good because it means you have more product & the product won't dry so quickly like a regular cushion.
It provides 3 shade you can choose from. I got mine in shade 01 Light. It has a hint of pink undertone into it & actually a bit lighter that my skin but thak God it doesn't makes my face looks grey.
If you have darker skin, I recommend you to try shade 02. It will suits well too because it has yellow undertone.
With a subtle dewy finish it create a smooth looking effect on your skin. Coverage is gewd. I think it's has a medium to full. It covers my dark under eye quite well. I just had to take a bit longer on redness on my face cause it keeps peeking through. I have flaky skin going on but I'm glad it doesn't makes it more obvious.
Final thought? Definitely one of the cushion you need to try!
You can purchase it at my @charis_celeb shop. The link is on my bio 💕
#줌인메쉬쿠션 #줌인메쉬쿠션 #슈퍼페이스 #슈퍼페이스스튜디오 #zoominmeshcushion #superface #superfacestudio #charisofficial #CHARISCELEB #hicharis
#ivgbeauty #indobeautygram #makeuptutorial #makeup #wakeupandmakeup #undiscovered_muas #indobeautyblogger #beautybloggerindonesia @tampilcantik #tampilcantik #ClozetteID #ibv #tutorialmakeup #ragamkecantikan @ragam_kecantikan #inspirasicantikmu @zonamakeup.id
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Finally got my hand on this most talked about mesh cushion from @superfacestudio 😍
I fell in love with the packaging cause it contains my fave color which is yellow & black. Please take note that this is not a regular cushion with some kind of sponge in it but instead it has a mesh/net layer on top of the product. Which is good because it means you have more product & the product won't dry so quickly like a regular cushion.
It provides 3 shade you can choose from. I got mine in shade 01 Light. It has a hint of pink undertone into it & actually a bit lighter that my skin but thak God it doesn't makes my face looks grey.
If you have darker skin, I recommend you to try shade 02. It will suits well too because it has yellow undertone.
With a subtle dewy finish it create a smooth looking effect on your skin. Coverage is gewd. I think it's has a medium to full. It covers my dark under eye quite well. I just had to take a bit longer on redness on my face cause it keeps peeking through. I have flaky skin going on but I'm glad it doesn't makes it more obvious.
Final thought? Definitely one of the cushion you need to try!
You can purchase it at my @charis_celeb shop. The link is on my bio 💕
#줌인메쉬쿠션 #줌인메쉬쿠션 #슈퍼페이스 #슈퍼페이스스튜디오 #zoominmeshcushion #superface #superfacestudio #charisofficial #CHARISCELEB #hicharis
#ivgbeauty #indobeautygram #makeuptutorial #makeup #wakeupandmakeup #undiscovered_muas #indobeautyblogger #beautybloggerindonesia @tampilcantik #tampilcantik #ClozetteID #ibv #tutorialmakeup #ragamkecantikan @ragam_kecantikan #inspirasicantikmu @zonamakeup.id
Hari ini aku kedatengan paket dari @hicharis_official @charis_celeb nih beb, ternyata isinya produk AC7 Spot Serum nya @dr_tisha
Mulai malem ini bakalan aku pake buat dark spot aku, tungguin review lengkapnya yess
Oya buat yang mau nyobain bisa loh beli di Shop Hi Charis aku, sttt ada harga special!!!
#HiCharis #CharisOfficial #CharisCeleb #ac7tisha #tishaac7 #ClozetteID #BeautygoersID #Beautiesquad #kbbvmember #setterspace #bloggermafia
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Hari ini aku kedatengan paket dari @hicharis_official @charis_celeb nih beb, ternyata isinya produk AC7 Spot Serum nya @dr_tisha
Mulai malem ini bakalan aku pake buat dark spot aku, tungguin review lengkapnya yess
Oya buat yang mau nyobain bisa loh beli di Shop Hi Charis aku, sttt ada harga special!!!
#HiCharis #CharisOfficial #CharisCeleb #ac7tisha #tishaac7 #ClozetteID #BeautygoersID #Beautiesquad #kbbvmember #setterspace #bloggermafia
Product Shine Fixence Mist from@keepcool_official can moisturize the skin so it looks fresher, soothing and bright, and can be used before wearing makeup so that the results are more durable and beautiful 💕Want to try it? Take a look here http://hicharis.net/chikaliu/92q and or klik link on my bio :)@charis_official @hicharis_official... #beautybloggerindo #bdgbeautyblogger #beautybloggerindonesia #bandungbeautyblogger #fujifilmxa20 #ceritacantik #tribepost #ggrep #clozetter #clozetteID #bloggermafia #influencer #tampilcantik #influencerstyle #charisceleb #indobeautygram
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SHINE FIXENCE™ MIST❄ this cutie face mist is new member on my makeup pouch. Gonna try this facemist for one week and makes review of it, so wait little bit for my review, ok😉
#KEEPCOOL #SHINEFIXENCE™MIST #charisceleb @charis_official
#clozetteid #bvloggerid #insviraltif #femaledaily #beautiesquad #beautybloggerid #bloggerperempuan #indonesianfemalebloggers #bloggermafia #beautygoersID #kbbvbeautypost #beautynesiamember #makeup #skincare #makeupenthusiast #makeupjunkie #bloggerceria #beautybloggerindonesia #블로거 #얼짱 #뷰티블로거 #ブロガー #美容ブロガー #kawaii #かわいい #hunnyeo #훈녀
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#KEEPCOOL #SHINEFIXENCE™MIST #charisceleb @charis_official
#clozetteid #bvloggerid #insviraltif #femaledaily #beautiesquad #beautybloggerid #bloggerperempuan #indonesianfemalebloggers #bloggermafia #beautygoersID #kbbvbeautypost #beautynesiamember #makeup #skincare #makeupenthusiast #makeupjunkie #bloggerceria #beautybloggerindonesia #블로거 #얼짱 #뷰티블로거 #ブロガー #美容ブロガー #kawaii #かわいい #hunnyeo #훈녀
I have a dry skin type, so I need more care and I'm happy to have this on the main treatment for my skin, Cream @dr.parkcell Defense protects the skin from dust and sunlight and can moisturize the skin 🖤.Want to try it? Take a look here http://hicharis.net/chikaliu/7ca and get discounts up to 30% or klik link on my bio :)@charis_official @hicharis_official... #beautybloggerindo #bdgbeautyblogger #beautybloggerindonesia #bandungbeautyblogger #fujifilmxa20 #ceritacantik #tribepost #ggrep #clozetter #clozetteID #bloggermafia #influencer #tampilcantik #influencerstyle #charisceleb #indobeautygram
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