Bye bye polusi 👋🏻💨
Gak perlu lagi takut sama polusi karna sekarang udah ada @cliniqueindonesia #PureGenius Dramatically Different Hydrating Jelly yang bisa ngelindungin kulit kita dari polusi jahat di kota Jakarta ini 💖
Thankyou @dikastiff @randitasastro 💕
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Gak perlu lagi takut sama polusi karna sekarang udah ada @cliniqueindonesia #PureGenius Dramatically Different Hydrating Jelly yang bisa ngelindungin kulit kita dari polusi jahat di kota Jakarta ini 💖
Thankyou @dikastiff @randitasastro 💕
#fashionpeople #fblogger #blogger #패션모델 #블로거 #스트리트스타일 #스트리트패션 #스트릿패션 #스트릿룩 #스트릿스타일 #패션블로거 #bestoftoday #style #makeupjunkie #l4l #ggrep #smile #makeup #bblogger #clozetteid
Dont feel sorry if you have choosen the wrong skincare, you can always Turn Around with @cliniqueindonesia.Seneng banget soalnya muka aku sekarang uda ga gampang memerah, juga terlihat jauhh lebih smooth n sehat ✨ soooo its better to TurnAround now! .. #cliniqueID #clinique #cliniqueturnaround #cliniqueturnaroundovernight #cliniqueturnaroundserum #turnaroundclinique #jktbeauty #jktbeautyblogger #indobeauty #indobeautygram #indobeautyblogger #clozetteid #skincareroutine #cliniquereview
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Such a sweet skin care from @cliniqueindonesia ..Skincare ini perfect banget kalau kamu punya tipe kulit kombinasi or kulit kering. Kalau aku capek banget, kulit aku bakal kering banget parah. Kulitnya kelupas kecil2 dan juga make up aku ga mau nempel. Nah makanya i need skin care yang punya high moisture content. ..Bahkan ya kalau aku, kalau aku lagi ga pake make up dirmh, aku sering banget pake face spray nya cause bikin buka aku jadi ga kering and kulitnya jadi lebih kenyelll ..Biar ga diambil orang, sampe2 aku kasih nama aku diatasnya ahahahhaaha... karena aku ga mau kehilangannn diaaaa #review #skincarereview #bloggerindo #clozetteid #hicharis #blogger #charisceleb #cliniqueid
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Have a great Weekend! Ever since I received @cliniqueindonesia cheek pop, I can’t help but use it continuously because it gives a very natural blushing finish 💕 my favorite shade is peach pop as coral shades compliment my skin best! .
#cliniqueid #clinique #makeup #sharemyclinique #shotbystevie #wakeupandmakeup #tampilcantik #clozetteid
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#cliniqueid #clinique #makeup #sharemyclinique #shotbystevie #wakeupandmakeup #tampilcantik #clozetteid
Hello loves, today I want to share my mini review on #cliniqueid #evenbetter @cliniqueindonesia skincare that I’ve been continuously trying for a good two weeks now. Firstly the greatest difference felt is that the Even Better Clinical Dark Spot Corrector & Optimizer really does helps with my discoloration due to acne scars and I can see them fading slowly although not magically clean 😅 no skincare should ever give you instant results, if it does you might want to wonder why, because skin care takes time for your skin to adapt and thus improve skin condition as the time goes on. However due to my current unstable skin condition I wouldn’t say both these two products:Even Better Brighter Essence Lotion & Even Better Clinical Dark Spot Corrector & Optimizer help to stop my break outs but they definitely doesn’t add up to any skin irritations and cause my acne to flare up. Even though I still experience break outs on my cheek, chin and forehead area but the products help to soothe and calm my skin so they become less angry thus you won’t notice that my skin is actually no in its best condition because they look just fine without too much redness or inflammation. That’s why I guess it’s safe to say the products really help to soothe my current sensitive skin by evening out my skin complexion. Well if you’re experiencing lots of dark spots or discoloration you might want to give this a try. .
#clinique #wakeupandmakeup #tampilcantik #ggrep #beautyjunkie #ulzzang #clozetteid #skincare #collabwithstevie #beauty #beautifulmatters #패션모델 #블로거 #스트리트스타일
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#clinique #wakeupandmakeup #tampilcantik #ggrep #beautyjunkie #ulzzang #clozetteid #skincare #collabwithstevie #beauty #beautifulmatters #패션모델 #블로거 #스트리트스타일
Hello loves, today I want to share a little about this #cliniqueid #evenbetter skincare which I’ve been incorporating into my skincare routine.
1. Even Better Brighter Essence Lotion
2. Even Better Clinical Dark Spot Corrector & Optimizer
Let me share my Favourite ways of using them: first I’d like to use Even Better Brighter Essence Lotion as the toner step. It has a very light and watery formula that makes kt absorbs quickly into the skin. I usually apply it on a cotton pad and gently swipe the products over my face. Then moving on to the second step which is a product I’ve loved ever since the first time trying it is the Even Better Clinical Dark Spot Corrector & Optimizer . After the first step this is second in line and it works best as a serum the moisturizes. I would usually apply an adequate amount on my forehead, cheek , chin and neck area then gently massaging the product into my skin. I love to do the circular motion to get ensure the product absorbs better into the skin. This product is really effective in getting rid of uneven skin and dark spots. It really helps to even out my complexion. I use both this product on my day and night skincare regime. If you’re experiencing problems with dark spots too I suggest you to try this even better product range from @cliniqueindonesia Clinique ❤️ you’ll need a whole 4 weeks to see actual results but using it daily will give you visible results. Enjoy! .
#clinique #wakeupandmakeup #tampilcantik #ggrep #beautyjunkie #ulzzang #clozetteid #skincare #collabwithstevie #beauty #beautifulmatters #패션모델 #블로거 #스트리트스타일
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Let me share my Favourite ways of using them: first I’d like to use Even Better Brighter Essence Lotion as the toner step. It has a very light and watery formula that makes kt absorbs quickly into the skin. I usually apply it on a cotton pad and gently swipe the products over my face. Then moving on to the second step which is a product I’ve loved ever since the first time trying it is the Even Better Clinical Dark Spot Corrector & Optimizer . After the first step this is second in line and it works best as a serum the moisturizes. I would usually apply an adequate amount on my forehead, cheek , chin and neck area then gently massaging the product into my skin. I love to do the circular motion to get ensure the product absorbs better into the skin. This product is really effective in getting rid of uneven skin and dark spots. It really helps to even out my complexion. I use both this product on my day and night skincare regime. If you’re experiencing problems with dark spots too I suggest you to try this even better product range from @cliniqueindonesia Clinique ❤️ you’ll need a whole 4 weeks to see actual results but using it daily will give you visible results. Enjoy! .
#clinique #wakeupandmakeup #tampilcantik #ggrep #beautyjunkie #ulzzang #clozetteid #skincare #collabwithstevie #beauty #beautifulmatters #패션모델 #블로거 #스트리트스타일
Nahh kalo beberapa waktu lalu aku udah saranin kalian untuk cobain Fresh Pressed Vit C dari Clinique, sekarang aku mau kasih tau lagi nih moisturizer favoritku yang bisa jadi pasangan buat pake si Fresh Pressed Vit C nya
Yepp it’s Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion + (DDML+) yang jadi andalanku sebelum apply makeup. DDML+ ini bener2 bikin kulitku terasa moist tanpa ada rasa minyakan yg berlebihan. Aku pake rutin pagi & malem hari dan juga di beberapa bagian badanku yg kering kaya di siku, tumit & telapak kaki (ini agak eman2 sih sbenernya cuma se lembab itu sis, jd mau gamau yes 😆)
#miradamayanti #CliniqueID #Clinique #Skincare #ClozetteID
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Yepp it’s Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion + (DDML+) yang jadi andalanku sebelum apply makeup. DDML+ ini bener2 bikin kulitku terasa moist tanpa ada rasa minyakan yg berlebihan. Aku pake rutin pagi & malem hari dan juga di beberapa bagian badanku yg kering kaya di siku, tumit & telapak kaki (ini agak eman2 sih sbenernya cuma se lembab itu sis, jd mau gamau yes 😆)
#miradamayanti #CliniqueID #Clinique #Skincare #ClozetteID
Yuhuuu gengs, aku mau share tentang hasil pemakaian #FreshPressed dari @cliniqueindonesia nihh. So setelah stories ku kemarin aku terima beberapa dm yg nanyain beneran terbukti ga sih ?
Jadi setelah aku memakai #FreshPressed di mix dengan moisturizer DDML+ selama 7 hari, so far yang keliatan banget sih tekstur kulit wajahku yg jd lebih baik dan glowing, plus beberapa bekas jerawat juga uda keliatan memudar.
Super luvv sama #FreshPressed inii, thank you @cliniqueindonesia 😘
#miradamayanti #Clinique #skincare #CliniqueID #ClozetteID #beauty
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Jadi setelah aku memakai #FreshPressed di mix dengan moisturizer DDML+ selama 7 hari, so far yang keliatan banget sih tekstur kulit wajahku yg jd lebih baik dan glowing, plus beberapa bekas jerawat juga uda keliatan memudar.
Super luvv sama #FreshPressed inii, thank you @cliniqueindonesia 😘
#miradamayanti #Clinique #skincare #CliniqueID #ClozetteID #beauty
Dark circles are inevitable especially for those who forsake quality sleep daily. However sometimes its our busy lifestyle and schedule that force us not to be able to have enough sleep but thanks to the advancement in beauty and makeup industry we now have wide choices of cosmetics or skincare products that can help our skin look much fresher even on days when we dont get enough sleep. ...Here is one product that works well as a moisturizer as well as colour corrector. The product helps to even out uneven skin tone and dark spots on the eyes. For me it does help to hide my dark circles too hehehe 😊😊 and dark spots due to acne scars. Check them out at @cliniqueindonesia counters and you can also get a sample size of any #CliniqueID products with their new service called “my clinique” where you can get a 5 days supply of any Clinique products before deciding on whether to make the purchase or not. This service is free and you dont need to purchase anything to get the samples.. go to your nearest @cliniqueindonesia counters now!! .... #flatlay #shotbystevie #collabwithstevie #Clinique #sharemyclinique #skincare #makeup #beauty #beautyjunkie #sonyforher #style
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