That day when I get to dress like Audrey Hepburn style and thanks a lot to @clozetteid for choosing me as the best costume on their 4th Anniversary #clozetteun4gettable #clozetteid
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My makeup for @clozetteid #ClozetteUn4gettable last Monday.
#ivgbeauty #indobeautygram #makeuptutorial #makeupreview #makeup #wakeupandmakeup #hudabeauty #featuremuas #undiscovered_muas #indobeautyblogger #indobeautyvlogger #beautyvlogger #beautyinfluencer #yesstyle #beautybloggerindonesia @tampilcantik #tampilcantik #ClozetteID #ibv #tutorialmakeup #charis #charisceleb
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#ivgbeauty #indobeautygram #makeuptutorial #makeupreview #makeup #wakeupandmakeup #hudabeauty #featuremuas #undiscovered_muas #indobeautyblogger #indobeautyvlogger #beautyvlogger #beautyinfluencer #yesstyle #beautybloggerindonesia @tampilcantik #tampilcantik #ClozetteID #ibv #tutorialmakeup #charis #charisceleb
Di #clozetteun4gettable box dari @clozetteid yang aku dapat kemarin salah satu produknya adalah @pondsindonesia Instabright Tome Up Milk Cream. Produk ini bisa bikin wajah cerah seketika, menyamarkan noda bekas jerawat dan melindungi kulit dari sinar UV juga lho! Swipe untuk lihat before afternya di wajahku, no filter needed!.. #PONDSInstaBright #clozetteid #clozetteambassador #ponds #makeupreview #indonesianfemalebloggers #indonesianbeautyblogger
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#throwback to @clozetteid unforgettable party ✨ glad to be in this family ✨ happy anniversary once again ✨ #clozetteid #clozetteun4gettable
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This #clozetteun4gettable hampers made my morning. So lucky to be part of @clozetteid 💚 #clozetteid
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Masih dalam kemeriahan #clozetteun4gettable, Tria Dara & Yanuar sebagai Clozette Crew dengan jam terbang paling lama di Clozette (4 tahun), ditantang untuk menjawab 3 pertanyaan seputar Clozette dan jawabannya dikoreksi langsung oleh Country Manager Clozette Indonesia!! Kira-kira siapa ya yang menang? Hmm... 🤔 #clozetteid #clozetteun4gettable
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Dress up like @dinatokio for #clozetteun4gettable party last night. And she is expecting too, her second born 😍 makin mirip dah yak kita buk Dina 😘📸 @rimasuwarjono ___________ #clozetteid #clozetteun4gettable #impresionate #karincoypregnancystory
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From last night’s event, happy birthday @clozetteid ♥️Terima kasih suda banyak mempertemukan aku dengan teman2 baru 🙆🏻♀️ Keep stunning yaaa ✨.📸 by @karinaorin .. #clozetteun4gettable #clozetteid
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