Revlon meluncurkan produk terbarunya, Revlon Kiss Cushion Lip Tint. Simak juga artikel menarik lainnya di Article Section pada Clozette App.
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Sehari-hari akutu cuma pake cushion ama liptint, ato eyelineran dikit kalo ga males. Ga semenor di selfie ini kok 😛Btw lucu ya editannya ada kelap kelip gitu hehehe.... #jessicaalicias #carselfie #clozetteid
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Find out how recently launched local cushion tinted moisturizer by Rollover Reaction works on my acne prone skin!
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I don't like to use a cushion before, because it's very difficult for me to find the right shades for my skin tone. But, finally my wish came true and @rollover.reaction launch their first complexion product Rollover Reaction Cushion Compact SPF 27 Tinted Moisturizer.••My my latest review on my blog www.dsherlytha.com for full review 😉 #clozetteid #rolloverreaction #cushion #beautybloggers
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Morning.... Senyum jepit @jennierubyjane
Fiuh gara2 kejadian semalem, aku baru bobo jam 5. Kesellll... Semoga hari ini berjalan baik ya.. 😀😀
Amin? 💄 @eminacosmetics Lip Cushion #LetBeCherry
#fashionpost #styleinspiration #dailystyle #ggrep #tampilcantik #flowerdress #dress #ootd #style #clozetteid
#셀스타그램 #팔로우 #오오티디 #패션 #데일리 #일상 #데일리 #whatiwore #ootdmagazine #exploretocreate
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Fiuh gara2 kejadian semalem, aku baru bobo jam 5. Kesellll... Semoga hari ini berjalan baik ya.. 😀😀
Amin? 💄 @eminacosmetics Lip Cushion #LetBeCherry
#fashionpost #styleinspiration #dailystyle #ggrep #tampilcantik #flowerdress #dress #ootd #style #clozetteid
#셀스타그램 #팔로우 #오오티디 #패션 #데일리 #일상 #데일리 #whatiwore #ootdmagazine #exploretocreate
pose calangap... dandan tifis tifis lagi jadi paporit now... wkwkkw #clozetteID hanya pake cushion, eyeshadow pake jari, lipstick, maskara sabeunangna... 😂
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Sekilas terlihat seperti jewellery box, ternyata produk yang sedang dipegang oleh Clozetter @Elnienesia ini merupakan Mist Cover Luxury Cushion Smooky Gold dari Style71. Cantik & elegan, ya. Simak Beauty Update ala clozetters lainnya hari ini di Beauty Community. Yuk, share juga beauty product favorit kamu bersama Clozette.
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Begini doang kalau ke kantor... Tapi, ini tetap pakai makeup karena bangun tidur belum bisa langsung tampil begini yang seolah "apa adanya". Tebak iseng-iseng, ini aku pakai complexionnya apa? Foundie? Cushion? Bedak? Blush on? Pakai lip product juga nggak nih kira-kira? 😌😌 #ErnysJournalDaily #ErnysJournalMakeup #Clozetteid
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