#deahamdanreview [SWIPE FOR SWATCHES] for @maybelline eye liner 👀. Jadi aku dapet 8 koleksi eyeliner dari maybelline, dan semua jenisnya pun berbeda-beda, mulai dari gel liner, hyper sharp liner, hyper glossy, hyper matte, hyper ink, etc. Kalian bisa liat swatch nya di foto terakhir aku..Untuk jenisnya sendiri, favorit aku yang paling bold yaitu hyper ink liner menurut aku. Karena warnanya gelap & smudge proof & water proof di aku. .Mana yang jadi favorit kalian?👀☝🏼️.Ps: bisa beli di mana aja yah seperti, gampang banget dicari produk @maybelline 👍🏼👌🏼. #clozetteid #beyondtheline #maybelline #maybellinenewyork
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#deahamdanreview for @romandyou eyeshadow palette. So I got these palette from @romandyou , they have 2 version, the first one is on the right side, which is 'Glam Day' and on the left side it's called 'Temptation Night'. For me, the color is very nice, especially the shimmer one, I should say it's damn pigmented👀. I love the packaging as well, the cover full with colourful marbles and this palette it's magnetic💃🏻🙇🏻. Anyone who wants to buy this product go check out the link below my profile to shop, I have special discounts for you if you buy this sets together. Or you can check my shop-> hicharis.net/deahamdan . ....... #clozetteid #charis #hicharis #charisceleb #romand #romandyou
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#deahamdanreview Pixy Lip Cream . SWIPE FOR MORE PICTURE if you want to see the swatch on my lips. @pixycosmetics baru saja mengirim produk terbaru dari brand mereka yaitu Lip Cream dengan 6 shade, dan semuanya warna nude. Surprisingly, warna-warna nya sangat cantik & cocok di bibir aku, terlebih lagi nggak membuat kering & tahan lama banget di bibir😍😍😍. I love it so much💕💕. Thank you @pixycosmetics for sending me these
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#deahamdanreview for Paul & Joe ( @paulandjoe_beaute ) 's collection. •Kalian bisa swipe for more close up photos dari produknya. Look at that super cute packaging!! 👯👯. @paulandjoe_beaute always looking greats in terms of packaging and quality. Let's start reviewing one by one!•Paul & Joe Protecting Foundation Primer.Untuk Primer dari Paul & Joe sendiri, mereka sudah ada warna nya masing2. Jadi kalau mau pakai hanya sebagai daily base dan gak pakai apa apa lagi bisa. Karena warna nya sudah seperti warna kulit. Bukan seperti primer lainnya yang warna nya transparan di kulit. Dan protecting foundation primer nya sudah ada spf++ nya.✨7/10 dari aku✨•Paul & Joe Gel Foundation NPertama-tama cobain, agak ragu apa beneran bagus di muka, seperti yang ci @marcellinacarlos bilang. Turns out, DAMMNNN(seriusan, bukan lebay) it works on my face. Aku kadang suka sebel kalo pake liquid foundation harus apply setting powder lagi after nya. Tapi kalo Gel foundation ini cepet banget keringnya di wajah aku, dan pas aku pegang wajah aku langsung seperti habis pakai powder. Untuk coveragenya low to medium ya.✨9/10 dari aku✨•Paul & Joe Tinted Lip GlossYang paling aku suka dari lip gloss ini adalah packagingnya yang super cute! Hahaha. Untuk teksturnya sendiri aku kurang suka karena bener2 glossy. Mungkin kalian yang suka lip gloss pasti suka. Warna pas di packagingnya itu bening transparan, pas diaplikasikan ke bibir berubah jadi warna pink ✨6.5/10✨•Paul & Joe Gel BlushBlushnya aku suka bangett!!! Teksturnya seperti pudding, cream tapi gak creamy banget, malahan kenyel2. Warnanya jatuhnya bagus & natural banget. Cuman packagingnya kurang convenient untuk dibawa kemana-mana✨8.5/10✨•Paul & Joe Eye Color LimitedEyeshadownya super unique, karena bentuknya kayak patch gitu. Dan surprisingly warna nya pigmented + cute banget buat dijadiin korean makeup looks karena banyak shimmernya.✨ 9/10✨•So, which product that you like the most?? 😘💕 thank you so much @paulandjoe_beaute & @tishasyabrina for the makeup + cute makeup pouch😻.... #clozetteid
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My current obsession #deahamdanreview : masking time with @tiff_body peel-off mask! Aku suka banget yang salt mine mud(untuk pores care & purifying) dan juga Soybean placenta with angelica roots(untuk brightening). Biasanya aku campur dengan rose water dari @sacre.skin dengan perbandingan 60% air biasa dan 40% air mawar. Nah nggak lupa pas lagi maskeran, pake juga coconut lip sleeping mask hasil kolaborasi dari @tiff_body x @sacre.skin . Hasilnya langsung👌🏼👌🏼✨✨✨✨. Buat yang mau liat hasilnya, langsung aja klik link video dibawah profile Instagram aku! 💖💕💕
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Thank you for this silisponge @beaulithe . Been searching for purple colour silisponge and I got mine from @beaulithe 🤗💕. Now applying makeup become so much easier💖.... #clozetteid #deahamdanreview
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What else better than having a great sunscreen with moisturizing effect? Pasti yang deket banget sama aku tau banget kalo aku gakboleh ketinggalan 2 hal di makeup pouch aku untuk aku gunain sebagai base makeup aku... Yaitu sunscreen & moisturizer. And yepp, @amarissa.id ini facial sunblock yang punya SPF 30 PA+++ dan juga Moisturizer! Pasti banyak yang kaget ada sunblock yang punya fungsi untuk melembabkan juga. Pas pertama kali coba @amarissa.id aku pun kaget. Sekarang udah masuk bulan ke 3 aku pake sunblocknya @amarissa.id(aku juga pernah update di insta stories) . Nggak usah pake bb cream diwajah pun udah berani keluar2 sekarang. Di wajah aku jatohnya gak lengket kayak Sunblock cream lainnya. Kadang aku gak suka pake sunblock yang jatuhnya di wajah tuh kayak pabrik minyak. So I recommend this product for everyone yang lagi nyari produk sunscreen + moisturizer. Go check @amarissa.id #deahamdanreview .
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#deahamdanreview --
@towmond_official 2nd month has been great for me. I know I leave the first month package because I grew some zits, but I'm tried again last month. And... surprisingly it's really works on my skin. You can see my insta stories. I work that glow on my face for a month. So why don't you try it also? You can buy it from my shop-> www.hicharis.net/deahamdan
#charis #towmond #towmondofficial #clozetteid
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@towmond_official 2nd month has been great for me. I know I leave the first month package because I grew some zits, but I'm tried again last month. And... surprisingly it's really works on my skin. You can see my insta stories. I work that glow on my face for a month. So why don't you try it also? You can buy it from my shop-> www.hicharis.net/deahamdan
#charis #towmond #towmondofficial #clozetteid
#deahamdanreview --
If you like to have "white skin effect" of Korean Makeup, I totally recommend this W.Snow CC Cushion for you! The colour is very pigmented as well covering your flaw. Only need one layer to achieve the Korean skin effect. The cushion is also different from the usual cushion, I can say that this one is more thick & full with CC cream inside. My color is 23(Snow Beige). I also like their tint. Not too thick, natural colour, keep your lips become moisture everytime. If you want to purchase the W.Snow CC Cushion you can buy it online -> hicharis.net/deahamdan . Happy shopping beauty!
#deahamdanreview #charisceleb #hicharis #charis @w.labglobal_official @w.lab @charis_official . DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW @dr.mindglobal !.
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If you like to have "white skin effect" of Korean Makeup, I totally recommend this W.Snow CC Cushion for you! The colour is very pigmented as well covering your flaw. Only need one layer to achieve the Korean skin effect. The cushion is also different from the usual cushion, I can say that this one is more thick & full with CC cream inside. My color is 23(Snow Beige). I also like their tint. Not too thick, natural colour, keep your lips become moisture everytime. If you want to purchase the W.Snow CC Cushion you can buy it online -> hicharis.net/deahamdan . Happy shopping beauty!
#deahamdanreview #charisceleb #hicharis #charis @w.labglobal_official @w.lab @charis_official . DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW @dr.mindglobal !.