Enggak ada foto keluarga yang proper di lebaran tahun ini, jadilah kami selfie ajah 😝 dimana aja selfie-in aja tsay ✌😁 #clozetteid #familyportrait #IdulFitri1438H #iedmubarak #iedmubarak1438H
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Sun kissed us on Ied Fitr Day 💋
#clozetteid #familyportrait #IdulFitri1438H #iedmubarak #iedmubarak1438H
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#clozetteid #familyportrait #IdulFitri1438H #iedmubarak #iedmubarak1438H
There is no better friend than a sister. And there is no better sister than you
Lup u pull dah mbak'yu 😍😘
#sister #cousin #sibling #family #sisters❤️ #bestiest #familyportrait #travelerblogger #womanlifestyle #womantraveler #ritystory #travelerlife #mytravelgram #instatravel #instaphotoshoot #womanentrepreneur #photooftheday #picsoftheday #travelgram #clozetteid #myadventure #wanitatangguh
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Lup u pull dah mbak'yu 😍😘
#sister #cousin #sibling #family #sisters❤️ #bestiest #familyportrait #travelerblogger #womanlifestyle #womantraveler #ritystory #travelerlife #mytravelgram #instatravel #instaphotoshoot #womanentrepreneur #photooftheday #picsoftheday #travelgram #clozetteid #myadventure #wanitatangguh
Panas-panasan 🌞
#clozetteid #motherhood #cfd #parenting101 #mommyblogger #familyportrait #happysunday
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#clozetteid #motherhood #cfd #parenting101 #mommyblogger #familyportrait #happysunday
Happiness.Love.Family ❤
#clozetteid #clozettedaily #motherhood #mommyblogger #socialmediamom #happiness #loveomylife #familyportrait
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#clozetteid #clozettedaily #motherhood #mommyblogger #socialmediamom #happiness #loveomylife #familyportrait
Other things may change, but we start and end with Family ❤
#clozettedaily #clozetteid #familypictures #family❤️ #quoteoftheday #familyportrait
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#clozettedaily #clozetteid #familypictures #family❤️ #quoteoftheday #familyportrait
Versi #darelladhibrata terlalu bersemangat loncat jadi nutupin mukanya deh ✌😁 #dibuangsayang
#clozetteid #familyportrait #motherhood #socialmediamom #mommyblogger
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#clozetteid #familyportrait #motherhood #socialmediamom #mommyblogger
My little family will be not so little, anymore kali aja kan ada adiknya Darell entah kapan. Doakan kami sekeluarga sehat, bahagia dan dilimpahkan rizki luarbiasa dari Allah SWT. Aamiin. Kami pun mendoakan, keluarga kalian semua diberkahi Allah SWT, bahagia lahir bathin, sehat dan berlimpah rizki luarbiasa dariNya. 😍💋😘 Selamat Tahun Baru 2017 bagi yang (masih) melaksanakan 🎉
#clozetteid #ootd #familyportrait #familyphotography #mommyblogger #socialmediamom #love #darelladhibrata
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#clozetteid #ootd #familyportrait #familyphotography #mommyblogger #socialmediamom #love #darelladhibrata
Happy New Year!!! 🎆🎉🎆🎉🎆🎉🎆 May this New Year brings you a peace filled life, warmth and togetherness in your family and much prosperity! 😘😘😘 •
#clozetteid #familyportrait #familyphotography #newyear #newyear2017 #lifestyleblogger #mommyandmefashion #socialmediamom
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#clozetteid #familyportrait #familyphotography #newyear #newyear2017 #lifestyleblogger #mommyandmefashion #socialmediamom