What do you think when you hear Greece? I think about Mamma Mia The Movie right away! This goes wayyyyy back to my junior high school days, more than 10 years ago! I watched the movie and instantly fell in LOVE with the shooting location. Bright white and blues, clear sky, sparkling ocean.. I guess it's my childhood dream to visit Greece!By now I think everyone knows about @heavenlyblushyogurt's competition where the winners will be flown to Greece, my dream place! I hope I could be one of the winners and be able to visit the land of yogurt and olives 💙 #heavenlyblushgreeksecret
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What do you think when you hear Greece? I think about Mamma Mia The Movie right away! This goes wayyyyy back to my junior high school days, more than 10 years ago! I watched the movie and instantly fell in LOVE with the shooting location. Bright white and blues, clear sky, sparkling ocean.. I guess it's my childhood dream to visit Greece!By now I think everyone knows about @heavenlyblushyogurt's competition where the winners will be flown to Greece, my dream place! I hope I could be one of the winners and be able to visit the land of yogurt and olives 💙 #heavenlyblushgreeksecret
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Gw udah beberapa kali beli @heavenlyblushyogurt buat foto #heavenlyblushgreeksecret tapi selalu cepet banget abisnya hahaha sebelum dipake foto udah abis. Ga tahan banget liat yogurt dingin! Seger, dingin, asem manis 😋 Kali ini yogurtnya gw simpen di kamar dulu biar ga langsung abis 😆Waktu SMA gw pernah bikin yogurt lho di sekolah. Tapi ga inget hasilnya gimana. Pengen liat cara bikin yogurt di Yunani langsung!Btw jarang-jarang kan liat pina pake baju kuning 💛 spring/summer 2018 trend! Yellow is gonna be big!
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Take me to the land of The Goddesses 💕 have you joined @heavenlyblushyogurt major #giveaway ? If you haven’t better check them out. ... #heavenlyblushgreeksecret #yogurt #shotbystevie #clozetteid
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Yummy fresh Greek yogurt 💦 @heavenlyblushyogurt ❤️ #HeavenlyBlushGreekSecret...🖥 Btw if you missed out my wellness post head over to steviiewong.com to read more about my health and wellness tricks / hacks . #greekyogurt is so good to keep your tummy full longer, that’s why I always packed one on my previous #holiday.... #ggrep #clozetteid #handsinframe #potd #yogurt #health #lifestyle #wellness #beauty
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@heavenlyblushyogurt ukurannya pas masuk ke tas yg kecil sekalipun (swipe to see more pics) jadi selalu aku bawa kalo lagi jalan2 untuk “cadangan” dan sarapan 👌🏻 praktis dan sehat pastinya.... #HeavenlyBlushGreekSecret #HeavenlyBlushYogurt #ClozetteID
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The weather hasn’t been great with all the flu and coughing season roaming around freely. Thus it’s very important to protect your body and maintain your antibody with proper balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. To be honest I’m currently down with flu and cough 🤧😷 can’t blame anyone except my sluggish antibody that has been down to my inability to maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle with my current work loads. But do you know that by drinking yogurt you can lessen inflammation in your body and it can also help to boost the good bacteria in your body that will be beneficial for your whole digestive system. Especially Greek yogurt as it has thicker texture thus it contains higher fiber and protein which makes us feel fuller longer. Stay healthy guys! @heavenlyblushyogurt #HeavenlyBlushGreekSecret...... ...... #sonyforher #tampilcantik #인스타패션 #얼스타그램 #패션스타그램 #셀스타그램 #팔로우 #오오티디 #패션 #데일리 #일상 #clozetteid #fashion #style #ggrep #ulzzang #shotbystevie #yogurt #shadow #potd #bestoftheday #beautifulmatters
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Curhatanku hari ini.Duh mukaku kok keriput ya? Kok banyak garis halus ya? Padahal umur aku belum 30. Serem kalau liat cermin, kok mukaku kayak nenek-nenek? Huhuhu.Gimana ya caranya biar muka dan kulitku bisa terlihat seperti umuranku? Udah pakai ini itu tapi ga mempan juga. Coba aku searching-searching lagi deh siapa tau ada tips yang aku lewatkan.Hmmmmmm"Kecantikan Dewi Yunani kuno telah terdengar hingga ke banyak belahan dunia. Aphrodite merupakan salah satu dewi yang memiliki kecantikan paripurna. Pada sejarahnya dijelaskan jika kecantikan Aphrodite bisa membuat para dewa memperebutkannya. Banyak wanita Yunani yang kemudian ingin memiliki kecantikan seperti Aphrodite. Rahasia kecantikan Aphrodite pun ditemukan dan diadaptasi hingga sekarang. Bahan alami yang tidak pernah ditinggalkan oleh Aphrodite adalah greek yogurt. Greek yogurt ternyata sudah ada sejak zaman dahulu dan masih digunakan hingga sekarang. Keindahan tubuh ideal Aphrodite serta wajahnya yang nampak awet muda setiap waktu didapatkannya dengan mengonsumsi greek yogurt. Rahasia kecantikannya ini pun hingga sekarang masih digunakan oleh banyak wanita Yunani."WAH, aku belum coba tips ini. Baiklah, akan kucoba untuk konsumsi yogurt dari @heavenlyblushyogurt secara teratur.Slurp slurp slurpHm, enak juga, tidak asam dan rasanya pas! Gak sabar untuk lihat manfaatnya.Simsalabim! Wah dalam beberapa hari, kulitku menjadi lembut dan bercahaya. Garis-garis halus penuaan pun mulai berkurang. Orang-orang terdekatku juga jadi penasaran kenapa kulitku bisa berubah drastis. Yay, it's all because healthy yogurt from @heavenlyblushyogurt ! Sekarang, aku jadi lebih percaya diri deh.Ternyata yogurt enak ini sangat ajaib! Terima kasih untuk Dewi Aphrodite yang sudah menurunkan ilmu ini. Terima kasih @heavenlyblushyogurt sudah menciptakan yogurt yang enak dan banyak khasiatnya ini.Jadi penasaran, kalau di Yunani sana pembuatan yogurtnya gimana ya? Pasti asik banget nih kalau bisa lihat langsung. Take me there please, @heavenlyblushyogurt #HeavenlyBlushGreekSecret....... #yogurtdrink #ootd #ootdindo #lookbook #lookbookindonesia #lifestyleblogger #fashion #blogger #fashionblogger #wiwt #potd #clozetteid
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Semuanya favorit aku! Favorit kamu yang mana? 😍😍 @heavenlyblushyogurt #HeavenlyBlushGreekSecret...... #clozetteid #yogurtdrink #ootd #ootdindo #lookbook #lookbookindonesia #lifestyleblogger #fashion #blogger #fashionblogger #wiwt #potd #vscocam #eosm10 #lovelife #instagood #streetstyle #potd #eosmdiaries #ggrep #ggrepstyle #cgstreetstyle #streetfashion
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