Senengnya pake banget akhirnya aku bisa menggunakan toner dari @klairs.id lagi...Inget gak, dulu di blog ku pernah curhat gara" toner ini susah banget di dapat dan akhirnya aku harus ganti toner...Sekarang aku bisa beli di @charis_official kalau mau beli ini..😍.Kalau kalian mau coba juga bisa langsung ke sini ya.. hicharis.net/florensiasella/6Wt. #clozetteid #klairs #tonerklairs #toner
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Tryinng to used toner from @klairs.global This Toner has a pH level Balance function, Deep Moisturizing, Cleanses and Soothes. Simak Beauty Updates ala clozetters lainnya hari ini di Beauty Community. Image shared by Clozetter: @lianaeka. Yuk, share beauty product andalan kamu.
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I have dry combo skin, dry on most part but can be very oily on the t-zone. Because it's dry, i always seek for a hyrdating products but at the same time it shouldn't be greasy cause it can be uncomfortable for my oily area..Truthfully I never use a toner before. Thought it will be useless but for the past 2 weeks I've been trying this Supple Preparation Facial Toner from @klairs.global @charis_official..I can tell from the 1st time I applied it. This toner makes my skin more supple & smooth. Like it's name "Preparation", I feel like it does the job. It enhance the effectiveness of the moisturizer I use on top of it, makes it more moisturizing..I also really like the texture. It's very watery & absorb into the skin in no time without feeling tacky. Which is great since I have combo skin..This toner is for all skin type. So it will also great for oily skin as well. Like you guys know oily skin also needs hydration. I do recommend this toner for you cause it worth the try..You can purchase this toner at my Charis shop. The link is on my bio 💕..... #klairs #ClozetteID #charis #charisceleb
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Klairs Supple Preparation Facial Toner sudah seminggu ini aku pakai.
Kulit wajah jadi lebih sehat dan fresh ❤
Full review this awesome toner, visit my blog
To get this product shop here:
@klairs.global @charis_official
#Klairs #Charis #charisceleb #review #skincare #clozetteid #beautyblogger
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Kulit wajah jadi lebih sehat dan fresh ❤
Full review this awesome toner, visit my blog
To get this product shop here:
@klairs.global @charis_official
#Klairs #Charis #charisceleb #review #skincare #clozetteid #beautyblogger
Finally another k-beauty review since I love skincare that much. It’s @klairs.id @klairs.global rich moist foaming cleanser.Super gentle, moisturizing, feels soft on skin, smells refreshing and makes my skin soft and supple. Plus it cleans makeup properly.Read more on blog jessicaliani.com.You can get them @wishtrend @wishtrend.id coupon code inside my blog post to buy from wishtrend global (ships worldwide).@thenakedseries.co #wishtrend #klairs #kbeauty #koreanskincare #koreanbeauty #foamingcleanser #korea #clozetteid #jclianiblog #jclianjxwishtrend #beautynesiamember #charisceleb
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Halaman ini menjelaskan tentang review Klairs Supple Preparation Toner yang cocok untuk semua jenis kulit...
Kamu suka toner yang memiliki manfaat bisa melembabkan kulit yang kering? Coba deh toner dari Klairs ini karena banyak review yang bilang toner ini memang bagus ^_^
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Ada blog post baru!! Tentang @altheakorea Un-Pore-Gettable-Box. @klairs.global ini salah satu produk didalam Box nya. Penasaran ada barang apa aja didalam Althea Box ini? Go to www.andreahamdan.blogspot.com! Happy weekend🙋🏻💖 Thanks @butterflyproject.my 😘😘
#clozetteid #lykeambassador #toner #klairstoner #tonerklairs #fashionpeople #beautyblogger #fblogger #blogger #패션모델 #블로거 #스트리트스타일 #스트리트패션 #스트릿패션 #스트릿룩 #스트릿스타일 #패션블로거 #klairs #dearklairs #ggrep
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#clozetteid #lykeambassador #toner #klairstoner #tonerklairs #fashionpeople #beautyblogger #fblogger #blogger #패션모델 #블로거 #스트리트스타일 #스트리트패션 #스트릿패션 #스트릿룩 #스트릿스타일 #패션블로거 #klairs #dearklairs #ggrep
My favorite serum of the year from @klairs.global @wishtrend @wishtrend.id.I really love the texture, non sticky finish and refreshing feel after using the serum. It's cooling down the skin in no time, so perfect for summer and after swimming / getting sunburnt.I love #klairs because they're using safe ingredients only, no scent, no paraben, no perfume, no color.Complete Review (link on bio). #wishtrend #klairsmoistsoothingserum #clozetteid
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