I’m so inspired by the eye look on LakmexSoe at Fashion Scout London Fashion Week 2018 and I decided to recreate the look using the latest products from @lakmemakeup. Here I’m using Lakme Drama Stylist Shadow Crayon in Pink. It has beautiful soft texture and glides on really easily on the lids. The pigmentation is great and there's no powder fall off! So don't think twice and get yours now at Senayan City Store and lakmemakeup.co.id #lakmeeyeshadowcrayon #lakmegoestolondon #stylingtrendsetters #clozetteid #collabwithchen
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Guess what’s new from @lakmemakeup? Inspired by Archangela Chelsea’s Make Up for LakmeXSoe at Fashion Scout London Fashion Week 2018. I’m using a fancy product called Drama Stylist Shadow Crayon, Purple Shade. These things help me to reduce my beauty pouch size as it designed like a crayon stick. So simple, no need to bring pallets for shadow and no more powder fall off! Get them in senayan city store and lakmemakeup.co.id! #lakmeeyeshadowcrayon #lakmegoestolondon #stylingtrendsetters #ceritafiqdira #clozetteid
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I'm trying to recreate a look inspired by @archangelachelsea creation for Fashion Scout, London Fashion Week 2018.
To create this look I'm using Drama Stylist Shadow Crayon the newest product from @lakmemakeup in Bronze & Pink.
Bronse on the outer V as a transition color & Pink on the inner corner to make the eye makeup pop 💕
This is the best eyeshadow crayon out there that I ever tried!
Very pigmented & glides smoothly, also easy to blend but after it sets it will be smudge-proof, crease-proof & water-proof. Meaning it will last a whole day! 😍😍
Go get them now at Senayan City Store or lakmemakeup.co.id
#lakmeeyeshadowcrayon #lakmegoestolondon #stylingtrendsetters
#ivgbeauty #indobeautygram #clozetteid #makeuptutorial #makeupreview #makeup #wakeupandmakeup #hudabeauty #featuremuas #undiscovered_muas #indobeautyblogger #indobeautyvlogger #beautyvlogger #beautyinfluencer #beautybloggerindonesia @tampilcantik #tampilcantik #ClozetteID #ibv #tutorialmakeup
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To create this look I'm using Drama Stylist Shadow Crayon the newest product from @lakmemakeup in Bronze & Pink.
Bronse on the outer V as a transition color & Pink on the inner corner to make the eye makeup pop 💕
This is the best eyeshadow crayon out there that I ever tried!
Very pigmented & glides smoothly, also easy to blend but after it sets it will be smudge-proof, crease-proof & water-proof. Meaning it will last a whole day! 😍😍
Go get them now at Senayan City Store or lakmemakeup.co.id
#lakmeeyeshadowcrayon #lakmegoestolondon #stylingtrendsetters
#ivgbeauty #indobeautygram #clozetteid #makeuptutorial #makeupreview #makeup #wakeupandmakeup #hudabeauty #featuremuas #undiscovered_muas #indobeautyblogger #indobeautyvlogger #beautyvlogger #beautyinfluencer #beautybloggerindonesia @tampilcantik #tampilcantik #ClozetteID #ibv #tutorialmakeup
This is the tutorial for my latest photo using the new product from @lakmemakeup Lakme Absolute Reinvent Drama Stylist Shadow Crayon .. Hope you enjoyyy... Dont forget to hit the love button.. ...... #lakmeeyeshadowcrayon #lakmegoestolondon #stylingtrendsetters #lamkemakeup ......... #clozetteid #PowerofMakeUp #Undiscovered_muas @sbsin.kr #AsianVlogger #tampilcantik #MakeUpTutorialsx0x #charisceleb #WakeUpandMakeUp @indovidgram @powerofmakeup @bombtutorial @awesomemakeup.p @indobeautygram @tampilcantik bvlogger.id @hicharis_official @makeup_up
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Terinspirasi dari makeup @archangelachelsea untuk LakmeXSoe di Fashion Scout London Fashion Week 2018, aku buat look ini dengan menggunakan 4 warna Lakme Drama Stylist Shadow Crayon yaitu Purple, Bronze, Pink dan Grey. Teksturnya shadow crayon ini creamy enak dipakai bahkan untuk tightline juga jadi mudah, pigmentasinya bagus dengan 1 kali swatch langsung keluar warnanya, waterproof, smudgeproof dan recomended banget. Ini produk terbarunya @lakmemakeup lho, kalian udah pada cobain belum?Dapatkan Lakme Shadow Crayon di lakmemakeup.co.id atau ke storenya di Senayan City ya jangan sampai ketinggalan ^_^ #lakmeeyeshadowcrayon #lakmegoestolondon #stylingtrendsetters #ClozetteID #StarClozetter
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Hello! ini adalah hasil recreate makeup look dari LakmexSoe di Fashion Scout London Fashion Week 2018!! What do you think guys?? Hehehe.. Yasss jatuh hati banget sama look yang dibuat oleh @archangelachelsea ❤❤ Nah untuk recreate look ini, gue menggunakan produk terbaru dari @lakmemakeup yaitu Drama Stylish Shadow Crayon. Bener bener jatuh cinta dengan eyeshadow crayon dari @lakmemakeup tersebut karena mudah banget di aplikasi, no fall out (ofcourse), super creamy, mudah di blend, dan pigmented! Dan bagusnya lagi ada 4 warna yang bisa di pilih loooh! ❤❤❤❤ Menurut gue sih, untuk pemula pasti juga jadi mudah banget untuk pakai eyeshadow dengan produk dari @lakmemakeup ini! Yang mau beli bisa langsung beli di Senayan City Store dan lakmemakeup.co.id #lakmeeyeshadowcrayon #lakmegoestolondon #stylingtrendsetters #lakmemakeup #clozetteid
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I'm trying to recreate a look inspired by @archangelachelsea creation for Fashion Scout, London Fashion Week 2018.
To create this look I'm using Drama Stylist Shadow Crayon the newest product from @lakmemakeup in Bronze & Pink.
Bronze on the outer V as a transition color & Pink on the inner corner to make the eye makeup pop 💕
This is the best eyeshadow crayon out there that I ever tried!
Very pigmented & glides smoothly, also easy to blend but after it sets it will be smudge-proof, crease-proof & water-proof.
Meaning it will last a whole day! 😍😍
Go get them now at lakmemakeup.co.id
#lakmeeyeshadowcrayon #lakmegoestolondon #stylingtrendsetters
#ivgbeauty #indobeautygram #clozetteid #makeuptutorial #makeupreview #makeup #wakeupandmakeup #hudabeauty #featuremuas #undiscovered_muas #indobeautyblogger #indobeautyvlogger #beautyvlogger #beautyinfluencer #beautybloggerindonesia @tampilcantik #tampilcantik #ClozetteID #ibv #tutorialmakeup
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To create this look I'm using Drama Stylist Shadow Crayon the newest product from @lakmemakeup in Bronze & Pink.
Bronze on the outer V as a transition color & Pink on the inner corner to make the eye makeup pop 💕
This is the best eyeshadow crayon out there that I ever tried!
Very pigmented & glides smoothly, also easy to blend but after it sets it will be smudge-proof, crease-proof & water-proof.
Meaning it will last a whole day! 😍😍
Go get them now at lakmemakeup.co.id
#lakmeeyeshadowcrayon #lakmegoestolondon #stylingtrendsetters
#ivgbeauty #indobeautygram #clozetteid #makeuptutorial #makeupreview #makeup #wakeupandmakeup #hudabeauty #featuremuas #undiscovered_muas #indobeautyblogger #indobeautyvlogger #beautyvlogger #beautyinfluencer #beautybloggerindonesia @tampilcantik #tampilcantik #ClozetteID #ibv #tutorialmakeup
I’m using 3 shades of @lakmemakeup newest product, Drama Stylist Shadow Crayon to create this look inspired from LakmeXSoe at Fashion Scout London Fashion Week 2018 by Archangela Chelsea. I’m so surprised with the great formula of these crayons. Very easy to blend, long lasting also come with water-proof and crease-proof formula which is very hard to find in stick or crayon eyeshadows.Available in 4 glam shades you can grab yours now at lakmemakeup.co.id... #lakmeeyeshadowcrayon #lakmegoestolondon #stylingtrendsetters #lakme #new #trend #clozetteid
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