Klo panas2 tuh enaknya emang minum yang seger2 yah..etapi gimana klo minum yang uda seger, sehat, enak pula!Yup @kindairyid minuman yogurt yg passsssss~awalnya favorite aku yg original, gak tau kenapa aku ngerasa kayak lg minum susu aja.. 🙈eh terus dia ngeluarin rasa baru donk, blueberry 😍😍😍😍jadi sekarang nambah lagi deh rasa favorite aku, original & blueberry.. 💃🏻💕klo kalian? uda nyobain? yg belum, cobain deh..enak & sehatnya gak dibuat2 iniiii... #clozetteid #KinYogurt #TheSecretToLivingYounger #MoreFlavourToLivingYounger #LiveYounger #TheSecretIsOut #BulgarianYogurt #flatlay
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Berdiet bukan berarti mengurangi porsi makan secara ekstrem. Kamu bisa mulai mengganti asupan makanan dengan makanan yang rendah kalori atau makanan sehat seperti kreasi yogurt. Simak Lifestyle Updates ala clozetters lainnya hari ini di Lifestyle Section. Image shared by Clozetter: @myraanastasia. Yuk, share momen favoritmu di Clozette.
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Happy weekend guys! What is your favorite ice cream flavour? My faves are cookies n cream, green tea, cotton candy, yogurt, and so many more depends on where I eat tbh😆🍦. #clozetteid
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What do you think when you hear Greece? I think about Mamma Mia The Movie right away! This goes wayyyyy back to my junior high school days, more than 10 years ago! I watched the movie and instantly fell in LOVE with the shooting location. Bright white and blues, clear sky, sparkling ocean.. I guess it's my childhood dream to visit Greece!By now I think everyone knows about @heavenlyblushyogurt's competition where the winners will be flown to Greece, my dream place! I hope I could be one of the winners and be able to visit the land of yogurt and olives 💙 #heavenlyblushgreeksecret
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What do you think when you hear Greece? I think about Mamma Mia The Movie right away! This goes wayyyyy back to my junior high school days, more than 10 years ago! I watched the movie and instantly fell in LOVE with the shooting location. Bright white and blues, clear sky, sparkling ocean.. I guess it's my childhood dream to visit Greece!By now I think everyone knows about @heavenlyblushyogurt's competition where the winners will be flown to Greece, my dream place! I hope I could be one of the winners and be able to visit the land of yogurt and olives 💙 #heavenlyblushgreeksecret
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Gw udah beberapa kali beli @heavenlyblushyogurt buat foto #heavenlyblushgreeksecret tapi selalu cepet banget abisnya hahaha sebelum dipake foto udah abis. Ga tahan banget liat yogurt dingin! Seger, dingin, asem manis 😋 Kali ini yogurtnya gw simpen di kamar dulu biar ga langsung abis 😆Waktu SMA gw pernah bikin yogurt lho di sekolah. Tapi ga inget hasilnya gimana. Pengen liat cara bikin yogurt di Yunani langsung!Btw jarang-jarang kan liat pina pake baju kuning 💛 spring/summer 2018 trend! Yellow is gonna be big!
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Hallo beautiess, tau dong minum yogurt itu banyak banget manfaatnya, mulai dari pencernaan sampai ke kecantikan kulit. Salah satu yogurt favorite aku, yaitu @yoforiaid yang kaya akan serat dan bakteri baik. Di tahun 2018, @yoforiaid juga akan hadir dalam 3 rasa baru loh. So, stay tuned 😘..Tak hanya 3 rasa baru, @yoforiaid memiliki program "Melangkah Ke Baitullah", dengan hadiah paket umroh dan paket emas. Untuk syarat dan ketentuannya bisa langsung check www.yoforia.id ❤️ #clozetteid #YOFORIAID #LoopSquad2018 #yogurt #yoguroto
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Take me to the land of The Goddesses 💕 have you joined @heavenlyblushyogurt major #giveaway ? If you haven’t better check them out. ... #heavenlyblushgreeksecret #yogurt #shotbystevie #clozetteid
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Yummy fresh Greek yogurt 💦 @heavenlyblushyogurt ❤️ #HeavenlyBlushGreekSecret...🖥 Btw if you missed out my wellness post head over to steviiewong.com to read more about my health and wellness tricks / hacks . #greekyogurt is so good to keep your tummy full longer, that’s why I always packed one on my previous #holiday.... #ggrep #clozetteid #handsinframe #potd #yogurt #health #lifestyle #wellness #beauty
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