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Masmir's interest in reading is grown naturally. He will come to us with one of his books at least twice a day, and ask us to read the book together. We will then sit down and read the book with him. His all time fave book is "we're going on a bear hunt" and whilst we're reading he'd point at the pictures showing us which character is which.. We think it's really important to encourage his smartness in reading / books because it stimulates his imagination, it helps with his vocabularies and his communication skills. Mams, share your stories with Si Kecil here http://bit.ly/StorySharingCompetition and you'll get more inspiring stories from other Mams for sure :) #bedaanakbedapintar #clozetteid
Categories : motherhood
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Mam, bahagia ya rasanya kalau Si Kecil aktif dan pintar. Miro sekarang sangat suka bermain dengan bongkah plastik kecil yang kemudian akan disusunnya menjadi berbagai macam bentuk. Yah, memang saat ini bentuknya belum terbentuk jelas banget sih, tapi saya tetap senang dan tetap mendukung kegiatannya ini sehingga kelak imajinasi Miro terstimulasi dengan baik. Yuk mam, kita dukung kepintaran si kecil dan jadikan pintarnya bersinar dengan join kontes foto #BedaAnakBedaPintar :) Caranya follow @ProGOLDparentingclub dan share foto si kecil saat melakukan aktivitas favoritnya dan jangan lupa hashtagnya ya, Mam. Info lebih lanjut check di http://bit.ly/s26contest ya,, Mam 😊😊 #BedaAnakBedaPintar #JadikanPintarnyaBersinar #clozetteid
Categories : motherhood
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When your son's summer shoes is on point 👌 #lifewithmiro #summershoes #clozetteid
Categories : shoes
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