Hesti Nurhayati Cholid (hezty 原宿) ) is an author of "The Big O" (a novel, Grafindo-2006) and "HARA-SHIBU-BARA: Tokyo Street Fashion Paradise (a pop culture/fashion book, Grasindo-2012); one of the contributor for INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF JAPANESE STUDIES VOL.01 NO.01 JUNE 2012 with her article: "Kosupure (Cos-Play) : Budaya Costume Role-Play Sebagai Bagian dari Budaya Populer Jepang" (The Center for Japanese Studies Universitas Indonesia, 2012); also a Pop Culture/fashion lecturer as well. Finalist of Show Your Talent contest by Vitalis and CitaCinta Magazine" in April 2010 and Participant of Special Invitation Program for Graduate Students JENESYS-The Japan Foundation 2010 (Japan, 2010). http://gadogado.exblog.jp/15062300/ http://www.bukabuku.com/authorscorner/detail/21253/hesti-nurhayati.html http://www.bukabuku.com/browse/bookdetail/103517/hara-shibu-bara-tokyo-street-fashion-paradise.html http://www.jpf.or.id/artikel/budaya/fashion-di-harajuku-shibuya-akihabara