Tahun ini kondisi kulit breakout mulu sampe capek sampai akhirnya aku putusin buat fokus dulu benerin kulit dengan hal yang basic banget yaitu hidrasi! Aku memilih skincare yang ringan digunakan namun dapat menghidrasi dan melembabkan kukit dengan baik seperti @wardahbeauty Wardah Hydra Rose Dewy Aqua Gel yang mengandung Avalanche Rose Oil 🌹 dan juga mengandung Active Hydrating yang mampu mempertahabkan hidrasi dan kelembapan kulit selama 72 hours ✨ hasilnya kulit lebih lembap, kenyal dan jerawar pun mulai berkurang karena skin barrier semakin kuat. Untuk review lengkapnya bisa baca di www.elyayaa.com ya 😉...@clozetteid #WardahRiseWithRose #WardahHydraRose #Clozetteid #wardahxclozetteidreview #ellskincaregame #skincareblogger #skincareaddict #idskincarecommunity #glowingskincaretips
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Sebentar lagi @snpofficial.id akan lauching produk baru yaitu SNP Prep Vitaronic Gel Cream yang fungsinya untuk mencerahkan kulit sekaligus melembapkan karena mengandung tiga layer Hyluronic Acid. SNP Prep Vitaronic adalah skincare line lanjutan dari SNP Prep Peptaronic dan Cicaronic yg sudah launching terlebih dahulu di Indonesia. Aku sendiri sudah pakai Gel Cream ini lebih dari dua minggu, dan so far suka banget sama hasilnya di kulit karena bikin cerah tapi ga bikin kulit jadi kering 🥰🥰 Oh iya, karena sebentar lagi produknya akan launching tepatnya pada tgl 16 Desember yg akan datang, sebelum cobain produk ini bisa kepoin langsung ya gimana hasilnya di kulitku untuk hasil before dan after pemakaian, full review sudah aku tulis www.elyayaa.com . Cek blog ku langsung ya biar ga penasaran lagi 😊😊 #snp..... #ellskincaregame #skincareblogger #idskincarecommunity #clozetteid #skincarejunkie #skincareroutine #koreanskincare
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I discovered these affordable Kose Softymo Cleansing oil since four years ago, and because it was hard to find it in my country, I have to buy it in Japan for around 650¥. It’s quite cheap compared to another brand tho. Price wise with good amount of product 👌🏻☘️ I’ve tried both Deep ( yellow) and Speedy (pink) version. The packaging is simple but cute because of the color of the bottle, pink and yellow. They comes in plastic bottle with pump, and it has another lock seal to prevent leak or another unfortunate things that might be happened.☘️ In my opinion, both Speedy and Deep don’t have specific smells, odorless and colorless. They are capable of removing base makeup except waterproof eyeliner and mascara. They aren’t powerful enough to erase them. When the oils get into eyes, it doesn’t hurt but make my vision blurry. So, which one better. Speedy or Deep? 💦 A point of view based on dry skin person:☘️ Texture: Speedy slightly more liquidy compared to Deep. Both version has more liquid-texture-like but they’re oil. ☘️ From my experience with Speedy and Deep, both work fine on my skin, it glides smoothy to remove the makeup, and when you mix it with lil bit of water, it would emulsified into milky texture. But I have to say, Deep feels lil bit dry on my skin, and I’m not really sure if it works on deep cleansing my skin since I don’t see significant result. I prefer Speedy one, like the name. It can remove my skin faster, but it doesn’t dry out my skin so much. #kose #kosesoftymo #ellskincaregame #skincareobsessed #skincarebloggers #idskincarecommunity #clozetteid #skincareproducts
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Udah berbulan-bulan ga treatment, kulit wajah sampe ga karu-karuan! Akhirnya karena udah gemes sama beruntusan dan bekas jerawat yang lagi pada nongol mulu di dagu, akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk treatment Acne Removal di @myclickhouse 😍
Awalnya worry mau treatment tapi pas liat prosedur kebersihannya terjaga, hati jadi tenang dan langsung reservasi deh buat jadwal treatment. Oh iya, ga nyangka juga treatment disini juga dapat sedikit massage di bagian pundak, leher dan kepala yang bikin rileks, dan ternyta sekali treatment Acne removal, hasilnya udah keliatan di kulitku. Cek before dan after kulitku setelah treatment di slide foto ke 3!
Anyway, kalau kalian masih penasaran sama treatment yang aku coba ini, bisa baca full review pengalaman aku di blog ya www.elyayaa.com atau langsung click link on bio ✨
@clozetteid #SudahkeClickHouse #ClickHouseXClozetteID #ClozetteID #ClozetteIDReview #acneremoval #indonesianbeautyblogger #bloggersreview
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Awalnya worry mau treatment tapi pas liat prosedur kebersihannya terjaga, hati jadi tenang dan langsung reservasi deh buat jadwal treatment. Oh iya, ga nyangka juga treatment disini juga dapat sedikit massage di bagian pundak, leher dan kepala yang bikin rileks, dan ternyta sekali treatment Acne removal, hasilnya udah keliatan di kulitku. Cek before dan after kulitku setelah treatment di slide foto ke 3!
Anyway, kalau kalian masih penasaran sama treatment yang aku coba ini, bisa baca full review pengalaman aku di blog ya www.elyayaa.com atau langsung click link on bio ✨
@clozetteid #SudahkeClickHouse #ClickHouseXClozetteID #ClozetteID #ClozetteIDReview #acneremoval #indonesianbeautyblogger #bloggersreview
Akhirnya nemu juga rangkaian perawatan kulit tubuh yang wanginya enak, bikin kulit halus dan juga cerah 🥰 yaitu body care dari @scarlett_whitening yang mengandung Gluthation dan Vit E.
Jujur, selama pakai rangkain produk Scarlett beberapa minggu ini, udah jarang banget pakai yang namanya parume. Walaupun aku cuma WFH tapi sering pakai parfume kalau mau kerja buat moodnya enak, biar happy. Tapi semenjak setiap hari pakai Shower Scrub dan Fragrance Body lotion dari Scarlett, wah duo maut ini bikin wangi seharian. Terutama Fragrance body lotion varian Charming, wangi parfume mewah yaitu Baccarat. Dan beneran bikin cerah loh walau sekali pemakaian aja. Masih kurang percaya? Cus baca full reviewnya di www.elyayaa.com ya 😊
#ellskincaregame #bodycare #scarlettwhiteningbodylotion #skincareblogger #skincarebloggers #skincareviral #clozetteid
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Jujur, selama pakai rangkain produk Scarlett beberapa minggu ini, udah jarang banget pakai yang namanya parume. Walaupun aku cuma WFH tapi sering pakai parfume kalau mau kerja buat moodnya enak, biar happy. Tapi semenjak setiap hari pakai Shower Scrub dan Fragrance Body lotion dari Scarlett, wah duo maut ini bikin wangi seharian. Terutama Fragrance body lotion varian Charming, wangi parfume mewah yaitu Baccarat. Dan beneran bikin cerah loh walau sekali pemakaian aja. Masih kurang percaya? Cus baca full reviewnya di www.elyayaa.com ya 😊
#ellskincaregame #bodycare #scarlettwhiteningbodylotion #skincareblogger #skincarebloggers #skincareviral #clozetteid
Revealing my current hair care routine which have the same theme color 💁🏻♀️
I’ve been changing shampoo since 8 months ago because I see no differences, tho I’ve tried 5 different shampoo this year 👀 my hair was short but they fall so easily, they are also very dry and damaged due to the previous bleaching and coloring experience. Using conditioner every single time I have to wash my hair is so tiring and it causes back acne. i have to give up using conditioner 😔
So, finding the right shampoo is so hard till I decided to go back to Uni-year fav brand shampoo, Herbal Essences. I’m happy I make the right decision, this shampoo make my hair less fall even tho it’s not for hair fall hair. The help of hair tonic from Rudy Hadisuarno also make my baby hair grow ❤️ then hair oil, and instant conditioner keep my hair smooth and easy to comb. Hair mask? I use this only once a month since I’m lazy 😬
💧 Herbal Essences Smooth Golden Moringa Shampoo
💧Hadi Suwarno Hair Tonic with Ginseng
💧Loreal Extraodinary Hair Oil Rich
💧Pantene Perfect on conditioner
💧 Loreal Smooth intense Spa Mask
#ellskincaregame #haircareroutine #clozetteid #flatlayhairproducts #haircare #beauty blogger
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I’ve been changing shampoo since 8 months ago because I see no differences, tho I’ve tried 5 different shampoo this year 👀 my hair was short but they fall so easily, they are also very dry and damaged due to the previous bleaching and coloring experience. Using conditioner every single time I have to wash my hair is so tiring and it causes back acne. i have to give up using conditioner 😔
So, finding the right shampoo is so hard till I decided to go back to Uni-year fav brand shampoo, Herbal Essences. I’m happy I make the right decision, this shampoo make my hair less fall even tho it’s not for hair fall hair. The help of hair tonic from Rudy Hadisuarno also make my baby hair grow ❤️ then hair oil, and instant conditioner keep my hair smooth and easy to comb. Hair mask? I use this only once a month since I’m lazy 😬
💧 Herbal Essences Smooth Golden Moringa Shampoo
💧Hadi Suwarno Hair Tonic with Ginseng
💧Loreal Extraodinary Hair Oil Rich
💧Pantene Perfect on conditioner
💧 Loreal Smooth intense Spa Mask
#ellskincaregame #haircareroutine #clozetteid #flatlayhairproducts #haircare #beauty blogger
Hi 🙋🏻♀️ dari aku yang sering fail bikin makeup bold yang akhirnya jadi makeup minimalist koreah terus 😅😅
Namanya juga belajar kan 😬
#motd #makeupoftheday #beautyblogger #makeupideas #lifestyle #instaglam #instabeauty #picoftheday #bbloggers #makeuplook #indonesianbeautybloggers #clozetteid #potd #influencer #indonesiablogger
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Namanya juga belajar kan 😬
#motd #makeupoftheday #beautyblogger #makeupideas #lifestyle #instaglam #instabeauty #picoftheday #bbloggers #makeuplook #indonesianbeautybloggers #clozetteid #potd #influencer #indonesiablogger
Sebernya enjoy workout yg harus keluar rumah sudah dimulai semenjak bulan September 2019 tahun lalu sampe ikut kelas yoga, suka ngider malem-malem sendirian di GBK hal itu terus berlanjut sampe bulan Februari tahun ini. Karena awalnya aku selalu prefer workout dirumah, kalo diluar ga ada temennya jadi males 🤣 ah emang dasar alasan, tapi pas udah diberaniin jalan sendiri ternyata lebih bebas dan ga tergantung orang lain. Ternyata olahraga diluar suka bikin lupa waktu eh tiba-tiba bablas 😆 _Fyi, tujuanku workout biar ga gampang sakit dan ga stress, alias sehat. My doctor also suggests that. Kalo biar kurus lah bisa liat sendiri kan badannya segitu aja 🙃_Terus datanglah virus 🦠 aku udah mulai worry ikut kelas dan olahraga diluar. Keluar cuma berani untuk sunbathing dan grocery shopping seminggu sekali. At home, I feel the stress that I can’t deny. My body feels tired all the time, I feel sad, and falling asleep isn’t an easy task. I don’t do any exercise till May, udah mulai legowo ya alias ikhlas sama keadaan. Udah mulai workout lagi, seneng kalo udah pake sportswear. Tapi untuk workout dengan kondisi yg belum aman seperti ini, masih 50% dirumah dan kalau diluar cari tempat sepi dan tetep social distancing 👌🏻 _Semoga kita engga jadi orang -orang yang mageran alias males gerak ya dan tetep sehat everyone 🙂 .... #clozetteid #clozetter #fotd #ootd #lookbook #outfitidea #picoftheday #bblogger #underthesky #style #lifestyleblogger #lookbookindonesia #smile #workoutoutfit #sportswear #lookbookindo #whatiworetoday #ootdindonesia
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SEVEN DAYS WASH OFF MASK CHALLENGE 👧🏻 It took me for a while to do this because quarantine makes me lazy then I started this challenge bcus I haven’t really take care of my skin so my face have been rough, having acne here and there, then also dull. here is the #7daysmaskchallenge that I did straight for 7 days 😌 🌹 #day1 @innisfreeofficial Super volcanic Pore Clay Mask 2x #day2 Innisfree Real rose mask #day3 Inndisfree Jeju volcanic color clay mask hydrating #day4 @wardahbeauty Oil Control Clay Capsule Mask #day5 @watsonsindo Brightening Clay Mask #day6 @dnarsindonesia Whitening Bubble Mask #day7 @theaesthetics_id x Dion Mulya Bright it on Charcoal Mask _🌼 the result:After seven days of masking, I could notice that my pore feel clean but it isn’t drying. As some of you know, using wash off mask could strip off the natural oil in your skin but not all of them giving the same result after usage. That’s why if today I use wash off mask for deep cleaning the pores, the next day I will go with the hydrating one. That way I can keep my skin well balance and hydrate. Not only that but also the texture of my skin has improved. The dead skin have been lifted and it creates smoother and firmer condition after a week. Unfortunately, I don’t see improvement in the leftover acne spots. Another thing for sure, my acne also become calmer and it dry faster than usual 💁🏻♀️ .... #ellskincaregame #clozetteid #idskincare #idskincarecommunity #skincareflatlay #skincaretexture #skincareblogger #abcommunity #innisfree #koreanskincare #wardah #skincareroutine #asianskincare
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