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Jadi kmren ceritanya mainan sama kain kan yaa.. trus ketagihan tuh foto ala ala begituu 🙃 akhirnya nyoba pake yg lain dan bertemu lah dengan si plastik ini 🥰 btw ini snikpik buat #7d1palette aku yg hari ke3 💃🏻 #makeup #makeuplook #aesthetic #clozetteid
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If u know me well, kalian pasti tau seberapa ga pernahnya aku bikin foto aesthetics ala ala gitu... and for today #day5 of #5days5challenges i got this theme : AESTHETICS PICTURE from my twin @storyofsand so here we go! Jujur aku suka kagum sama postingan temen temen aku disini mereka punya karakternya masing2 dan sering post aesthetics picture gituuu!! I tried my best to this picture and hope u guys like it!! And thankyouuuu so much for you guys @storyofsand @feliciagtha @ijulianmatthew @karaminafuady ku jadi punya kerjaan dan ga cuma goler goler doang di kasur wkwk!! Lopphh yuu!! #quarantine #quarantinechallenge #aesthetic #clozetteid
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Your words in my head, knives in my heartYou build me up and then I fall apart'Cause I'm only human, yeah #yousingyoulose .Hasil foto mainan sama kain gara gara liat foto nikahannya @xrzkix sama diri sendiri 😌😌 #photography #editorial #canon #canoneos #clozetteid
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Pusing akutu kenapa cakep banget 👉🏽🥺👈🏽 WKWKWK MAAPIIINNN YA GUYS EMANG SUKA GITU SI HANII MAH 😌🤣 #makeup #makeuplook #nude #bronzie #clozetteid
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Haii haii haii! Selamat hari mingguu!! Semangaaattt!! Kenalan yuuk sama Tante Ijah 🥰🥰🥰 #1950s #makeup #makeuplook #vintage #clozetteid
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Hai hai haiii!! Pagi ini nyobain main sama kaca + cahaya matahari 🤣 masih percobaan pertama belom berhasil sesuai yg di mau 🙃 #photography #canon #canonphotography #clozetteid
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Mau tulis captionnya gini ahh "aku lebih baik nunggu corona kelar dariapada nungguin kamu yang ga muncul muncul" biar dikira lagi nungguin orang gitu padahal mah engga 🙃 #dirumahaja #photography #homephotography #canon #clozetteid
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Missing someone and not being able to see them is the worst feeling ever :') it's just like dead inside (: .Makeup inspired: @melllani_ #skullmakeup #makeuplook #artmakeup #makeup #clozetteid
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Sometimes.. it's okey for not being okey 🙂 #mugshot #mugshotchallenge #clozetteid
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