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Healthy Lifestyle Enthusiast | Work as content writer and photographer | bit.ly/darakembara.com | instagram @darakembara


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sit down and relax. enjoy the afternoon #cafe #clozetteid
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Buat kamu yang kangen dengan suasana alam tapi males pergi jauh dari Jakarta, cobain deh main ke Suaka Elang Loji yang terletak di Cijeruk, Bogor. Selain dekat, wisata alam ini fasilitasnya lengkap. Penasaran? Tunggu ceritaku di blog ya
#travel #traveling #bogor #vacation #clozetteid #suakaelangloji
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weekend vibes, wander often, wonder always #clozetteID
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Tahun baru namun usia berkurang. Semoga Allah selalu memberikan kemudahan dalam menjalani semua ketetapanNya. Laa haula walaa quwwata illaa billaahil'aliyyil'adziim.
#gunung #indonesia #wonderfulindonesia #tenda #camping #mountain #clozetteid
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Boy is not a trophy and marriage is not a life goal. It's an individual choice. It's OK if you decide not to married. That doesn't make you unworthy. Dear girls you are precious with or without a man beside you. Happiness is on your own. Go for it! #SisterhoodWithSplashOfFeminism #clozetteid #feminist #kemang #rose
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How often do you really listen without judgement? With the hustle bustle of everyday life, social media and technologies creeping in more and more. It can be tricky to tune in and be fully present
Well, why don't you try to take a 'pause' (stop checking your email, social media or whatever it is) for a while and pay attention and absorb everything around you. Listen carefully to someone who talks to you. In the end of the day, take a rest and filter it all. Take the good, say goodbye to the bad. Easy right. Let's give it a try. #clozetteid #situgunung
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sebaik baik manusia adalah yang bermanfaat untuk makhluk lain, secerdas cerdas manusia adalah yang selalu mengingat mati. jadi kalo mo bikin dosa, inget-inget kita bisa mati kapan aja. #selfnote #clozetteid
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I've already met some successful people who has international achievement and famous. most of them are humble person and great partner for discussion. yang paling bikin saya semakin respek sama mereka, that they gave me their number (and mostly i didn't ask first) reply my texts and remember me even we just met once. those such simple things that make others feel so much appreciated. but, unfortunately there are also the opposites of these nice people, yang bahkan belum jadi apa-apa tapi gayanya selangit bahkan masih harus belajar bagaimana cara menghargai orang lain. jadi jangan sampai kalian yang baca (terlebih lagi saya) punya kelakuan sampah kayak mereka. Attitude matters peeps! #selfnote

#wonderfulindonesia #clozetteid #situgunung
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