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[[TRILOGY PRODUCTS REVIEW]].Hi, MiLuvsKalau kamu suka skincare yang punya kandungan organik & ramah lingkungan, you might want to try these products from New Zealand @trilogy_id but 1st ini dia reviewnya~.❤ Trilogy Cream Cleanser (Rp 340.000,-)❤ Main Ingredients: Roship, Evening Primrose, Jojoba, Carrot, Almond❤ REVIEW+ PLUS:+ Mild & creamy formula+ Moisturizing+ Non-drying+ Natural & organic ingredients+ Nice natural fragrance+ Easily removed with water+ Makes skin feel smooth afterward.-MINUS:- Only for removing a very light makeup, can't be used to remove heavy makeup- The price point is too high for a cleanser product that can't cleanse properly...❤ Trilogy Balancing Gel Cleanser (Rp 590.000,-)❤ Main Ingredients: Rosehip, Witch Hazel, Willow Bark, Aloe Vera, Cucumber, Honey, Echinacea, Elderberry, Chamomile❤ REVIEW+ PLUS:+ Best for Combination & oily skin but also nice for dryer skin+ Not stripping away moisture from skin+ Non-drying+ Gentle formula can shoote the skin+ Natural & organic ingredients+ Nice natural fragrance+ Soap free+ Balance & tone skin+ Skin feels clean afterward.-MINUS:- A nice gel cleanser & also contain 150ml of product, but maybe the price point is still a bit high..❤ Trilogy Certified Organic Rosehip Oil (Rp 350.000,- for 20ml)❤ Main Ingredients: Roship Seed Oil❤ REVIEW+ PLUS:+ Nourish & repair (I used it when I have irritated skin & big pimples, in just 2 days my skin improved & got a lot better)+ Moisturizing+ Non-sticky & doesn't feels oily+ Natural & organic ingredients+ Easily absorb into skin+ Makes skin healthier & plumper+ Helps brighten the skin+ Worth the price.-MINUS:- A quite strong "fishy" smell is somewhat disturbing on the 1st couple uses, but I get used to the smell now.. #MicelReview #ClozetteID
Categories : skincare, skincare
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