R E V I E W #AlwaysBePure Forest Therapy Ultra Calming TonerJangan bosen2 ya kalau aku sering banget sebut produk ini + kali ini dedicated post deh untuk review dia lagi (last post on 2019, if you want to read please scroll!). Berhubung last post 2019 yg ku review ini adalah botol kesekian krn aku uda repurchase2 lagi hehe.Setelah sekian lama nyobain segala macam hydrating toner, jujur ujung2nya aku balik ke ABP lagi. Dari segi tekstur, harga, hasil dan yang penting kulitku suka!Aku suka ngalamin kulit iritasi atau lg bereaksi maka itu aku suka produk yang punya fungsi calming, hydrating, soothing, anti inflamasi — wajib deh hukumnya🤣 Nah kandungan dengan fungsi itu seringkali didapat dari Madecassoside, Allantoin, Adenosine, Centella, Panthenol yang semuanya ada di produk ini. Selain itu kelebihan produk ini karena dia mengandung Cypress water (swipe to see more). Secara tekstur, dia cair, cepet nyerap, cukup lembab, I can feel like my skin drinks up easily and they love it.Beberapa kali aku juga suka share kalau aku layering hydrating toner ini dengan keep cool punya, kalau butuh extra hydration yes I like to layer them both. Kalian juga bisa akalin dengan hydrating serum/essence kl gak mau layer hydrating toner.Pokoknya love deh! Sampe gak mau foto tekstur saking sayangnya biar gak makin cepet abis hahahaha sorry✌🏻Yang udah nyobain & cinte juge mana absen dulu siniiiiiiiiii.Size? 150 mlWhere to buy? @always_be_pure_indonesiaPrice? Rp 200,000—PS: This review is based on my personal experience, all opinions are not influenced by the brand. But YMMV🙏🏻
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Night time Routine🌙
The first thing I do after work is of course, washing my face! Do you guys realize of how dirty your face is after a day out? Even though you think you're working indoor, dust and sebum is also there. So make sure you wash your face especially for night time.
Your skincare products won't work maximally if the "canvas" is not clean enough. I do double cleansing every night, the first cleanser I am using at the moment is #Neogen Real Cica Micellar Cleansing Oil and the second cleanser is #ElsheSkin Deep Cleansing for Oily Skin. They are both not in picture but after cleansing, I follow with these products:
• #Acwell Licorice Cleansing Toner
• #Banobagi Milk Thistle Repair Toner*
• #NormalNoMore Blue Therapy Anti Redness Toner
• #MilaDopiz Purifying/Vitamin C Ampoule*
• #Dermatory Azulene Gel Cream
I use double toning method focusing in hydration whenever I feel my skin is easily irritated or reddened. They help to calm and tone down the temperature when skin feels hot. I also use Mila D'opiz ampoule in certain areas only (purifying for small acne, vitamin c for cystic and pigmentation! Full reviews were already posted last week.) I actually have been incorporating an exfoliator to my night time routine. I want to see how it works first and will update you guys soon. xx
PS: Reviews are all based on my personal experience, all opinions are not influenced by the brand. But YMMV🙏
#gegeciellaskincare #abbeauty #skincare #koreanskincare #abbeatthealgorithm #clozetteid #idskincarecommunity #abcommunity #koreanbeauty #beauty #kbeauty #asianskincare #asianbeauty #nightroutine #skincareroutine
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The first thing I do after work is of course, washing my face! Do you guys realize of how dirty your face is after a day out? Even though you think you're working indoor, dust and sebum is also there. So make sure you wash your face especially for night time.
Your skincare products won't work maximally if the "canvas" is not clean enough. I do double cleansing every night, the first cleanser I am using at the moment is #Neogen Real Cica Micellar Cleansing Oil and the second cleanser is #ElsheSkin Deep Cleansing for Oily Skin. They are both not in picture but after cleansing, I follow with these products:
• #Acwell Licorice Cleansing Toner
• #Banobagi Milk Thistle Repair Toner*
• #NormalNoMore Blue Therapy Anti Redness Toner
• #MilaDopiz Purifying/Vitamin C Ampoule*
• #Dermatory Azulene Gel Cream
I use double toning method focusing in hydration whenever I feel my skin is easily irritated or reddened. They help to calm and tone down the temperature when skin feels hot. I also use Mila D'opiz ampoule in certain areas only (purifying for small acne, vitamin c for cystic and pigmentation! Full reviews were already posted last week.) I actually have been incorporating an exfoliator to my night time routine. I want to see how it works first and will update you guys soon. xx
PS: Reviews are all based on my personal experience, all opinions are not influenced by the brand. But YMMV🙏
#gegeciellaskincare #abbeauty #skincare #koreanskincare #abbeatthealgorithm #clozetteid #idskincarecommunity #abcommunity #koreanbeauty #beauty #kbeauty #asianskincare #asianbeauty #nightroutine #skincareroutine
Current Morning Routine May 2019☀
It's been a long time since I update my skincare products, I'm trying to finish all the opened products before finally opening the new ones and it also applies when testing new products. My testing period is now longer before giving the finalize thought, hope you guys don't mind😄
Product details:
🌴 #KraveBeauty Matcha Hemp Hydrating Cleanser (nip) — I have reviewed this, check the post!
🌴 #NormalNoMore Blue Therapy Anti Redness Toner — my current fave toner, feels moisturizing and look at dat blue! Who can resist?
🌴 #KraveBeauty Great Barrier Relief — my one and only option for a quick minimal routine. It provides you healthy glow. 🌴 #Dermatory Azulene Gel Cream — I have emptied the first tube and still haven't made a dedicated post to it lol. It's a great gel cream even though it's not that "light" in my opinion.
🌴 #KraveBeauty Beet the Sun* — I am very happy it doesn't break me out. I just wish they come in bigger size with same price.
Will share the night routine too this week.
Promise you, I'll update my routine as soon as possible.
PS: This review is based on my personal experience, all opinions are not influenced by the brand. But YMMV🙏
#gegeciellaskincare #abbeauty #skincare #koreanskincare #abbeatthealgorithm #clozetteid #idskincarecommunity #abcommunity #koreanbeauty #beauty #kbeauty #asianskincare #asianbeauty #morningroutine #skincareroutine
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It's been a long time since I update my skincare products, I'm trying to finish all the opened products before finally opening the new ones and it also applies when testing new products. My testing period is now longer before giving the finalize thought, hope you guys don't mind😄
Product details:
🌴 #KraveBeauty Matcha Hemp Hydrating Cleanser (nip) — I have reviewed this, check the post!
🌴 #NormalNoMore Blue Therapy Anti Redness Toner — my current fave toner, feels moisturizing and look at dat blue! Who can resist?
🌴 #KraveBeauty Great Barrier Relief — my one and only option for a quick minimal routine. It provides you healthy glow. 🌴 #Dermatory Azulene Gel Cream — I have emptied the first tube and still haven't made a dedicated post to it lol. It's a great gel cream even though it's not that "light" in my opinion.
🌴 #KraveBeauty Beet the Sun* — I am very happy it doesn't break me out. I just wish they come in bigger size with same price.
Will share the night routine too this week.
Promise you, I'll update my routine as soon as possible.
PS: This review is based on my personal experience, all opinions are not influenced by the brand. But YMMV🙏
#gegeciellaskincare #abbeauty #skincare #koreanskincare #abbeatthealgorithm #clozetteid #idskincarecommunity #abcommunity #koreanbeauty #beauty #kbeauty #asianskincare #asianbeauty #morningroutine #skincareroutine
SHEET MASKS REVIEW 🌴@narukoindonesia Tea Tree Sheet Mask — got this from November's box by @betterskindays🌴@drschatz.official Stem Cell Mask — bought this from @keikoreinashop🌴@dewytree_official Deep AC Control Mask — bought this from @wonder.korea 〰 #Naruko Tea Tree Mask*If you follow my story, you know I often say Naruko Tea Tree is one of my fave acne mask. It is designed for acne skin and that's why I'm so happy when Better Skin Days put the Naruko mask into their box, you guys who have not tried, try them!! The sheet mask is black cotton with a pretty strong scent of herbal tea tree but I don't mind the scent at all just because it's immediately soothe your skin! For extra soothing effect, put your mask on the fridge before using. It's great when I have some active acne to calm. Price: Rp 25.000✏ 4/5.. #Dr.Schatz Stem Cell MaskDr.Schatz catches my attention when my skincare friends are all raving the mask. Although it's a bit pricey, I don't mind if it's THAT GOOD and to fulfill my curiosity I decided to try it. At first, I was given a sheet from @keikoreinashop but then YAS IT'S THAT GOOD and I bought several pieces to stock up. The sheet itself is thin and when it's wet it feels so fragile, it sticks perfectly but the mouth are is too big for me. The good thing is they are so generous with the essence! I can use until two times more😍 You won't believe it surely works well until you see a difference, right? (swipe to see!) I personally was a bit underestimating the mask until I took the photo hahaha. Besides the calming effect, I can feel my skin is well-moisturized and brighter. This is the one and only option for faster acne solution and to prepare your skin before a big day!Price: Rp 75.000/sheet , Rp 350.000/box✏5/5.. #Dewytree Deep AC Control MaskI just knew Dewytree Deep AC Control Mask when I found @wonderkorea sells them. I never tried any Dewytree products before so I don't expect anything from it. ..CONTINUE BELOW👇👇
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Seneng banget sabtu kemarin bisa early Christmas lunch dengan Christmas Package yang disediakan @gastromaquia! Makanannya enak-enak dan restorannya sendiri homey banget, untuk si christmas package hanya dengan Rp 275.000++/pax sudah bisa dapat 3 fancy foods dan mocktail lho! Menu yg paling ga terlupakan itu si appetizer scallopnya paraaah❤ Selain itu mocktailnya juga enak dan seger. Silahkan digeser lihat fotonyaa, tapi ga tanggung jawab kalau ngiler ya😂 Full review di blog yaah tayang malaman hehe. Oh ya, kalau kalian lagi nyari restoran buat makan keluarga/teman2/pacar, cobain aja kesini!GastromaquiaJl. Ciniru I no 1, Kebayoran BaruJakarta Selatan 12810021 2930 5091{Btw, bisa book by Chope guys!} #gastromaquia #gastromaquiajkt #clozetteid #GASTROMAQUIAXClozetteidreview #fromMadridtoJakarta #Gastronavidad #gegeciellafoods
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Current Morning Routine 16/11/18☀
Some of my skincare friends know my struggle during the ups and downs of my skin condition. I almost had a total clear skin but then again so many factors affect it and I keep seeing new pimples especially during period. That's the reason I also keep changing skincare products (depends on my skin condition) and now I'm showing you my current morning routine😄
Product details:
🌴@srb_korea Enzyme Powder Wash* (NIP)
🌴@e.acwell Licorice pH Balancing Cleansing Toner
🌴@manyofactory_official Active Refresh Herb Oil
🌴@blithecosmetic INBETWEEN Hydro Priming Cream
🌴@soroci_korea Morning Drizzle Calming Cream* (in replace with the Blithe)
🌴@erha.dermatology sunscreen (NIP)
🌴@studiotropik Original Priming Water
As I've said earlier, blithe and studiotropik is a perfect canvas combo! My makeup stays longer and better and it's just sooo awhsome (read on my blog or previous IG post). The Manyo oil also helps to nourish the skin. You guys should try✨ —
PS: This review is based on my personal experience, all opinions are not influenced by the brand. But YMMV🙏
#gegeciellaskincare #abbeauty #skincare #koreanskincare #abbeatthealgorithm #clozetteid #idskincarecommunity #abcommunity #koreanbeauty #beauty #skincareroutine
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Some of my skincare friends know my struggle during the ups and downs of my skin condition. I almost had a total clear skin but then again so many factors affect it and I keep seeing new pimples especially during period. That's the reason I also keep changing skincare products (depends on my skin condition) and now I'm showing you my current morning routine😄
Product details:
🌴@srb_korea Enzyme Powder Wash* (NIP)
🌴@e.acwell Licorice pH Balancing Cleansing Toner
🌴@manyofactory_official Active Refresh Herb Oil
🌴@blithecosmetic INBETWEEN Hydro Priming Cream
🌴@soroci_korea Morning Drizzle Calming Cream* (in replace with the Blithe)
🌴@erha.dermatology sunscreen (NIP)
🌴@studiotropik Original Priming Water
As I've said earlier, blithe and studiotropik is a perfect canvas combo! My makeup stays longer and better and it's just sooo awhsome (read on my blog or previous IG post). The Manyo oil also helps to nourish the skin. You guys should try✨ —
PS: This review is based on my personal experience, all opinions are not influenced by the brand. But YMMV🙏
#gegeciellaskincare #abbeauty #skincare #koreanskincare #abbeatthealgorithm #clozetteid #idskincarecommunity #abcommunity #koreanbeauty #beauty #skincareroutine
Still can't get over it. Take me back to my holiday😂❤ Anyway, how are you guys? I will take some time away from my IG since I am now an employee😋
#bukchon #bukchonhanokvillage
#clozetteid #gegeciellatravel
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#bukchon #bukchonhanokvillage
#clozetteid #gegeciellatravel
Filtered vs Unfiltered (swipe 👉👉) It was during Chuseok so the Gyeongbok Palace was crowded! But it was a great timing to take photo so yeaah. 경복궁❤
#visitseoul #seoul #chuseok #gyeongbokgung #clozetteid
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#visitseoul #seoul #chuseok #gyeongbokgung #clozetteid
Thanks @clozetteid and @pomelofashion for having me! It was nice to see your collection, there are some items on my wishlist😍❤ #clozetteid #PomeloFall18 #trypomelo
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