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We made it through the end of the first month of 2017! How's everyone doing? As for myself the start of 2017 was amazing, a lot of new opportunities knock on my door and I got to explore different experiences and meet amazing people that help me grow in terms of person and knowledge. I can't seem to thank God enough for His endless love and blessings, knowing that whenever I've made up my mind for a particular thing(goals /aims) I'd go not only 100% but 150% or even more to the point that I might exhaust myself but that's just me. I'll either do it wholeheartedly or not at all, there's nothing in between for me. So you may wonder why I work in so hard or put in extra effort in anything I do, it's not for bragging, fame or anything but it's for the sake of my own self satisfaction and accomplishment. I've always been a perfectionist and would always love to have everything on track and planned but I know life has never gone as per our plans so I stop planning and starting running towards what's infront of me without worrying any longer if I'd fall or hurt cause all I know it's something I love and enjoy doing. It's a part of me I wished I could share to the world hoping that this girl who may not be anyone can bring an impact positively to her readers and friends. Strive on and one day who knows you'll finally reach your destination as for me I no longer seek for the destination but I seek for every excitement the journey had to offer❤ so would you ride this crazy hectic life together with me?😂😉 #stevieculinaryjournal .......... #strawberry #yummy #clozetteid #happiness #joy #vscophile #ulzzang #beautyblogger #vscocam #outfitinspo #fashionpeople #fblogger #blogger #패션모델 #블로거 #스트리트스타일 #스트리트패션 #스트릿패션 #스트릿룩 #스트릿스타일 #패션블로거 #bestoftoday #style #l4l #qotd #cheesecake #influencer
Categories : food
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