Absolute New York Click Glossy Color✨Glossy finish✨Pigmented color✨Packaging click yang bikin lipsticknya gak akan patah... #BandungBeautyBlogger #BandungbeautybloggerXAbsoluteNewYork #ClickNSwipe #TribePost #tribeposts #Clozetteid
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You can't exclude ABSOLUTE NEW YORK while thinking about pigmented lipstick with smooth texture. Simak Beauty Updates ala clozetters lainnya hari ini di Beauty Community. Image shared by Clozetter @Jennitanuwijaya. Yuk, share juga beauty product favoritmu.
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Hampir nggak pernah pake lipstick merah 💄👀 tapi disini aku pakai matte lipstick dari @absolutenewyork_id shade Burgundy 💋 Mattenya nggak bikin kering dan di mix pun nggak kerasa berat✨. #IBSTooCutetoSpook # #IBSxAbsoluteNewYork_id. #clozetteid
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First, thank you @absolutenewyork_id for having me😘 I'm so happy playing arround Absolute New York's counter👯 Disana aku cobain lip product barunya Absolute New York Metallic Matte&Gloss Lipstick💄 Ohya buat yg kemarin ketinggalan nonton live di instagram, tenang aja gurlz! Aku bakal review di blog soon yayyy😉
#AbsoluteNewYork #AbsoluteNewYorkID #MetallicLipstick #MetallicMatte #MetallicGloss #AbsolutelyMetallicSparkling #MakeupUnited #ClozetteID #JogjaBloggers #Makeup
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#AbsoluteNewYork #AbsoluteNewYorkID #MetallicLipstick #MetallicMatte #MetallicGloss #AbsolutelyMetallicSparkling #MakeupUnited #ClozetteID #JogjaBloggers #Makeup
Clozetter Aulia approved: Eyeshadow pallete ICON Exposed dari Absolute New York. Eyeshadow ini memiliki warna yang cantik. Perpaduan warna shimmer dan matte yg bisa dipakai di segala acara. Teksturnya mudah di blend and absolutely pigmented. Simak Beauty Updates ala clozetters lainnya hari ini di Beauty Community. Image shared by Clozetter: @auliatrisakti. Yuk, share beauty product andalan kamu.
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Eyeshadow pallete ICON Exposed by @absolutenewyork_id yang warnanya super duper cantik. Perpaduan warna shimmer dan matte yg bisa dipakai di segala acara. Teksturnya mudah di blend and absolutely pigmented😍💛 #AbsoluteNewYork #ClozetteID #Clozetter #JogjaBloggirls #MakeUp
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Watch my tutorial using all NEW product from @absolutenewyork_id .. Love their new eyeshadow palette.. pigmented dan warnanya cantik semua.. ..hhmm thinking about making a lil review and swatch for you in IGTV.. What do you think guys?? ........... #koreanmakeup #kbeauty #kmakeup #IndobeautyVlogger #clozetteid #makeuptutorial #tampilcantik #ragamkecantikan #화장품 #코스메틱 #뷰티 #뷰티블로거 #charisceleb #indobeautysquad
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Hi guys, akhirnya aku upload tutorial lg nih.. Disini aku nyobain produk baru yg aku dapat dari @absolutenewyork_id .. Suka banget sama produk2 baru mereka.. Sejauh yg aku pake, favorit aku itu eye palettenya dan eyebrow nya.. tp blm semua aku pake sih.. ntr aku review lg ya.. .
Untuk liat produk2nya, jgn lupa mampir ke IGTV ku ya.. .
#IndoBeautyGram #Clozetteid #IndoBeautyVlogger #TampilCantik #IVGBeauty #MOTD #ragamkecantikan #Makeuptutorial #CharisCeleb #indobeautysquad
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Untuk liat produk2nya, jgn lupa mampir ke IGTV ku ya.. .
#IndoBeautyGram #Clozetteid #IndoBeautyVlogger #TampilCantik #IVGBeauty #MOTD #ragamkecantikan #Makeuptutorial #CharisCeleb #indobeautysquad