The Goods Dept meluncurkan konsep bar kecantikan terbarunya yaitu ‘Beauty Bar’. Simak juga artikel menarik lainnya di Article Section pada Clozette App.
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It wasn't my first time attending a wedding alone by myself. I was all cheer up and assured myself that I would be fine because there would be plenty of my friends I met.-Yes, I wasn't alone. But I feel lonely somehow. So I sat there, on the corner that used to be the bar, and starred at the mirror. I ask myself, "Do you act all strong again?" and I immediately answered "Yes. I need to get used to this."-Then a little part of my heart began to question, is he really the one that worth the wait? I nod, doubtly. I'm not sure. But I believe in God's plan. So, whoever they are, if they are meant to stay and be in our life, they won't just leave us like that.
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Udah Weekend lagi 🤗🤗Bagi yang lagi dibandung kalian mesti coba @diantidaily rice bar, ini enak banget menu2nya. Cuma ada 6 menu tapi semua enak 👌👌 dijamin sukak.Anyway, tengkyu teteh @tantydestianti atas refrensinya 😌... #ClozetteID #personalblogger #personalblog #indonesianblogger #lifestyleblog #Hijab #likeforlikes
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Nails and lashes are two crucial things for Clozette Ambassador Hisafu and recently she got 'em pampered beautifully in Miloff Beauty Bar. Simak Beauty Updates ala clozetters lainnya hari ini di Beauty Community. Image shared by Clozette Ambassador: @hisafu. Yuk, share juga beauty bar favoritmu.
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Live simply
Dream big
Be grateful
Give love
Laugh lots 💃💃 .
#sakuralisha #independentwoman
#indonesianbeautyblogger #beautybloggers #skyebar #lifestyle #travel #travelling #ootd #fashion #outfit #fashions #beautyblogger #outfits #fotd #potd #grandindonesia #jakarta #bcatower #indonesia #cafe #bar #restaurant #fashionoftheday #outfitoftheday #clozetteid
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Dream big
Be grateful
Give love
Laugh lots 💃💃 .
#sakuralisha #independentwoman
#indonesianbeautyblogger #beautybloggers #skyebar #lifestyle #travel #travelling #ootd #fashion #outfit #fashions #beautyblogger #outfits #fotd #potd #grandindonesia #jakarta #bcatower #indonesia #cafe #bar #restaurant #fashionoftheday #outfitoftheday #clozetteid
Currently using this bar soap by @hyggee_korea that’s suitable for my sensitive skin. I love how simple and elegant the packaging is, and how it cleanse my face without dehydrate my skin. I recommend the soap to those who has sensitive skin, you should give it a try! ..Get this at my shop : hicharis.net/jennitanuwijaya or link on my bio for best price in the world! .....@hyggee_korea @hicharis_official @charis_celeb #charisceleb #hyggeekorea #jenntanshortreview #clozetteid
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Stay happy, smiling and forever young. 💃💃 Time for sleep now and work hard again tmrw. 💪🏼💪🏼 Have good nite everyone. ..... #sakuralisha #independentwoman #indonesianbeautyblogger #beautybloggers #skyebar #lifestyle #travel #travelling #ootd #fashion #outfit #fashions #beautyblogger #outfits #fotd #potd #grandindonesia #jakarta #bcatower #indonesia #cafe #bar #restaurant #fashionoftheday #outfitoftheday #clozetteid
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Saya selalu makan bar bar kalau akhir pekan, bebaskeun!
Ini adalah Tumpeng Mini Puncak Jaya dengan Rendang Bukit Tinggi, Gurame Goreng Sambal Mangga, Sate Ayam Bumbu Kacang, Tahu Telur, Tumis Bunga Pepaya dan Kerupuk Udang
Selamat makan 🇮🇩
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Ini adalah Tumpeng Mini Puncak Jaya dengan Rendang Bukit Tinggi, Gurame Goreng Sambal Mangga, Sate Ayam Bumbu Kacang, Tahu Telur, Tumis Bunga Pepaya dan Kerupuk Udang
Selamat makan 🇮🇩
5. Favourite ..Chocolatier ~des tablettes de chocolat~ alias coklat bar.. #jalanjajanhalal #bloggerfollowblogger #bloggerfollowbloggerindonesia #indonesianblogger #bloggerindonesian #bloggerindonesia #blogger #bloggerindo #clozetteid #indonesia #bloggercrony
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