[NEW BLOG POST : "MATERNAL NESTING: LEAVING KAWAII & BEAUTY LIFESTYLE?!]Nggak cuma hewan, ibu2 manusia yang hamil juga punya insting "membangun sarang" loh. Biasanya kalau insting bangun sarang ini sudah datang, tandanya hari melahirkan sudah dekat! Aku juga merasakan sendiri tiba-tiba sibuk "bangun sarang", sampai-sampai aku merelakan banyak barang berharga... termasuk BAJU-BAJU KAWAII kesayanganku 🙀🙀🙀🙀.baca pengalamanku di SHEEMASHERRY.com yah! LINK ada di BIO , atau Google aja : Sheemasherry Maternal Nesting 🐣🐣🐣 #36weekspregnant #sheemasherry1stpregnancy #maternityshoot
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🍒 ماشاءالله، تبارك الله 🍒
On 2017, May 22, my Husband Prince turned 30 🤴🏻, and on June 2, I turned 26 👸🏻. Alhamdulillah, I feel that we're in our own perfect age-range to start this parenting journey, as we're so ready and excited to welcome the baby 👶🏻💙
Visit SHEEMASHERRY.COM for a heartfelt message to my Most Favourite Man on earth @zenkih ☺️👑 . TITLE: "My Husband's 30: The Prince's Life Has Just Begun ❤️" ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻 #StrawZerry #MoonFamily🌙 #sheemasherry1stpregnancy .
#maternityshoot 👫 #26weekspregnant 🤰🏻 #SailormoonInspired 🌙 #PrincessSerenity 👸🏻 #PrinceEndymion 🤴🏻 #SailorMoon 💖
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On 2017, May 22, my Husband Prince turned 30 🤴🏻, and on June 2, I turned 26 👸🏻. Alhamdulillah, I feel that we're in our own perfect age-range to start this parenting journey, as we're so ready and excited to welcome the baby 👶🏻💙
Visit SHEEMASHERRY.COM for a heartfelt message to my Most Favourite Man on earth @zenkih ☺️👑 . TITLE: "My Husband's 30: The Prince's Life Has Just Begun ❤️" ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻 #StrawZerry #MoonFamily🌙 #sheemasherry1stpregnancy .
#maternityshoot 👫 #26weekspregnant 🤰🏻 #SailormoonInspired 🌙 #PrincessSerenity 👸🏻 #PrinceEndymion 🤴🏻 #SailorMoon 💖
Sometimes I choose to makan > foto. Karena lapar bos :( Menu baru McD: Golden Sausage Wrap. Yang nggak bikin kenyang-kenyang amat. 😂😝 #Clozetteid #culinary #fastfood #shatastedthis
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Kartini's Day should be a reminder for all of us to be strong and independent. And that reminds me of my mom and my grandma. They're both are Independent and strong women.
What about you?
#perfectselfiehunt #vivoV5plus #fotd #fotdindo #vscocam #vsco #vscophile #exploretocreate #vscogrid #peoplescreatives #photoshoot #igdaily #vscodaily #instadaily #instastyle #streetstyle #fashionblogger #style #likeforlike #photooftheday #justgoshoot #pretty #vscogood #clozetteid #clozettedaily #snapdaily #snapseed #snapseeddaily #kartinisday
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What about you?
#perfectselfiehunt #vivoV5plus #fotd #fotdindo #vscocam #vsco #vscophile #exploretocreate #vscogrid #peoplescreatives #photoshoot #igdaily #vscodaily #instadaily #instastyle #streetstyle #fashionblogger #style #likeforlike #photooftheday #justgoshoot #pretty #vscogood #clozetteid #clozettedaily #snapdaily #snapseed #snapseeddaily #kartinisday
Yang udah nggak sabar menunggu pemenang #MyFreshLookMoment, here they are! :D
Congratulation to:
Masing-masing pemenang akan mendapat 3 packs FreshLook Contact Lens + 1 OPTI-FREE solution. Konfirmasi dengan mengirim data diri kalian melalui email ke hello@clozette.co paling lambat 15 April 2017.
#FreshSelfieLook #MyFreshlookMoment #FreshLookID #ClozetteID
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Congratulation to:
Masing-masing pemenang akan mendapat 3 packs FreshLook Contact Lens + 1 OPTI-FREE solution. Konfirmasi dengan mengirim data diri kalian melalui email ke hello@clozette.co paling lambat 15 April 2017.
#FreshSelfieLook #MyFreshlookMoment #FreshLookID #ClozetteID
Attending ASTALIFT Beauty Fest for DIY Facial with @astalift_indonesia , thanks @clozetteid & @astalift_indonesia for having me. Event report + Product Review soon on my blog!
#clozetteidreview #astaliftxclozetteid #astaliftphotogenicbeauty
#l4l #fashionblog #endorsement #instagramer #blogger #blog #potd #photography #photooftheday #lifestyle #japanese #lifestyleblogger #japan #beautyblog #instapict #likesforlikes #beautyblogger #girl #instadaily #instagramer #instamood #like #clozetteid #FaceOfTheDay #FOTD #indonesian #fashionblogger
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#clozetteidreview #astaliftxclozetteid #astaliftphotogenicbeauty
#l4l #fashionblog #endorsement #instagramer #blogger #blog #potd #photography #photooftheday #lifestyle #japanese #lifestyleblogger #japan #beautyblog #instapict #likesforlikes #beautyblogger #girl #instadaily #instagramer #instamood #like #clozetteid #FaceOfTheDay #FOTD #indonesian #fashionblogger
Kalimat "Beauty is Pain" is so last year. Clozette Crew @puitika akan berbagi pengalamannya treatment ZAP Photo Facial tanpa rasa sakit. Bagaimana ceritanya? Baca selengkapnya di http://bit.ly/2pgRAVX. Simak juga artikel menarik lainnya di Article Section pada Clozette App.
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Dapatkan potongan 75.000 di VIP Plaza khusus untuk Clozetters! Kamu dapat lihat infonya pada bagian "Premium" di aplikasi Clozette. Bagi yang belum memiliki Clozette App, kamu bisa download di sini http://bit.ly/app-clozetteupdate. Jangan lewatkan info seputar acara dan promo dari brand/store lainnya di Updates section.
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#deahamdanreview --
If you like to have "white skin effect" of Korean Makeup, I totally recommend this W.Snow CC Cushion for you! The colour is very pigmented as well covering your flaw. Only need one layer to achieve the Korean skin effect. The cushion is also different from the usual cushion, I can say that this one is more thick & full with CC cream inside. My color is 23(Snow Beige). I also like their tint. Not too thick, natural colour, keep your lips become moisture everytime. If you want to purchase the W.Snow CC Cushion you can buy it online -> hicharis.net/deahamdan . Happy shopping beauty!
#deahamdanreview #charisceleb #hicharis #charis @w.labglobal_official @w.lab @charis_official . DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW @dr.mindglobal !.
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If you like to have "white skin effect" of Korean Makeup, I totally recommend this W.Snow CC Cushion for you! The colour is very pigmented as well covering your flaw. Only need one layer to achieve the Korean skin effect. The cushion is also different from the usual cushion, I can say that this one is more thick & full with CC cream inside. My color is 23(Snow Beige). I also like their tint. Not too thick, natural colour, keep your lips become moisture everytime. If you want to purchase the W.Snow CC Cushion you can buy it online -> hicharis.net/deahamdan . Happy shopping beauty!
#deahamdanreview #charisceleb #hicharis #charis @w.labglobal_official @w.lab @charis_official . DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW @dr.mindglobal !.