To celebrate the launch of new product “Pickup Liners”, here is my #theBalmombrelips look!
Win a total of IDR 1.000.000,- beauty package from @theBalmid for 3 winners, by :
1. Follow @theBalmid & @ClozetteID
2. Create your own ombre lips using Pickup Liners
3. Share in caption what shade you are using, and tell us your best pickup line (rayuan gombal)
#theBalm #theBalmid #theBalmombrelips #youxthebalm
Don't forget to tag @theBalmid
Competition ends at 23rd April and will be announce in 24th April at @theBalmid, Good luck BalmBabe!
Oh hey, to see theBalm counters go to @theBalmid bio
And this, I’m using Pickup Liners shade FINE ALL OVER ... + THE ONE YOU NEED ... and MEET MATTE COMMITED 👄
#ClozetteIDReview #ClozetteIDReviewXTheBalm #ClozetteID
#indobeautygram #ombrelips #makeupcompetition #makeupchallenge #lipstick #lipart #makeuppost #indonesia #thebalmcosmetics #thebalmmeetmattehughes #thebalmcommitted #thebalmpickupliners
#beautyblogger #beautyblog #makeuplookbook #idontplaniplay #makeupaddict #indobeautygram
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To celebrate the launch of new product “Pickup Liners”, here is my #theBalmombrelips look!
Win a total of IDR 1.000.000,- beauty package from @theBalmid for 3 winners, by :
1. Follow @theBalmid & @ClozetteID
2. Create your own ombre lips using Pickup Liners
3. Share in caption what shade you are using, and tell us your best pickup line (rayuan gombal)
#theBalm #theBalmid #theBalmombrelips #youxthebalm
Don't forget to tag @theBalmid
Competition ends at 23rd April and will be announce in 24th April at @theBalmid, Good luck BalmBabe!
Oh hey, to see theBalm counters go to @theBalmid bio
And this, I’m using Pickup Liners shade FINE ALL OVER ... + THE ONE YOU NEED ... and MEET MATTE COMMITED 👄
#ClozetteIDReview #ClozetteIDReviewXTheBalm #ClozetteID
#indobeautygram #ombrelips #makeupcompetition #makeupchallenge #lipstick #lipart #makeuppost #indonesia #thebalmcosmetics #thebalmmeetmattehughes #thebalmcommitted #thebalmpickupliners
#beautyblogger #beautyblog #makeuplookbook #idontplaniplay #makeupaddict #indobeautygram
Belum lama ini anak-anak suka banget pakai produk @bambibaby.id yang dibeli melalui @glamizka dengan proses yang cepat dan mudah. Pastinya produk Bambi sangat aman digunakan untuk kulit bayi karena mengandung Vit E, Hypoallergenic, Aromatheraphy, Pro Vitamin B5, Dermatologically tested," dan Halal certified. . #BambiAndBaby #BambiAndMe #BambiReview #blogger #bloggerperempuan #potd #picoftheday #flatlay #lifestyle #like4like #lifestyleblogger #parenting #parentingblogger #clozetteid #bestoftheday #l4l #bloggerslife #bloggerceria #kbbvmember #indonesianfemaleblogger #indonesianbeautyblogger #momlife #momblogger
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Kuku cantik juga menjadi idaman para perempuan. Tanpa cat kuku, kukumu juga dapat tampil cantik asalkan kamu memerhatikan kesehatan dan kerapihan kutikula kukumu. Berikut 5 langkahnya dalam video berikut http://bit.ly/2cdRNVq. Video ini di-share kembali oleh Clozetter: @saniaalatas. Cek Tutorial Updates lainnya pada Tutorial Section.
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Car #selfie of the day, was on my way to @eauthermaleaveneindonesia 's event. #clozetteid .
makeup of the day #motd :
#Eyebrows : @anastasiabeverlyhills pomade - Dark Brown
#Eyeshadow : @sephoraidn palette and @vovmakeupid "all day strong" collection
#Eyelashes : @blinkcharm
#Cheekbone : @thebalmid - Cindy Lou Manizer
#Contour : @benefitindonesia - Hoola
#Foundation : @thebodyshopindo - Fresh nude cushion foundation in Fuji Peony 01 color
#Concealer : @narsissist - Radiant cream Concealer in Vanilla color
#Powder : @hourglasscosmetics - Lighting powder in Ethereal Light
#Lipstick : @mybeautystoryid - chiffon matte in taupe and @vovmakeupid - silky fit lipstick in 226 color
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makeup of the day #motd :
#Eyebrows : @anastasiabeverlyhills pomade - Dark Brown
#Eyeshadow : @sephoraidn palette and @vovmakeupid "all day strong" collection
#Eyelashes : @blinkcharm
#Cheekbone : @thebalmid - Cindy Lou Manizer
#Contour : @benefitindonesia - Hoola
#Foundation : @thebodyshopindo - Fresh nude cushion foundation in Fuji Peony 01 color
#Concealer : @narsissist - Radiant cream Concealer in Vanilla color
#Powder : @hourglasscosmetics - Lighting powder in Ethereal Light
#Lipstick : @mybeautystoryid - chiffon matte in taupe and @vovmakeupid - silky fit lipstick in 226 color
Don't take mirror seriously, your true reflection is in your heart 💕
Thank you for today, @laneigeid
#LaneigeIndo #LaneigeIndonesia #LaneigeKBeautyWeek #LaneigeXLuckyChouette #beauty #vanitymirror #mirrorselfie #bblogger #bloggerslife #clozetteid #koreanmakeup #potd #bestoftheday
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Don't take mirror seriously, your true reflection is in your heart 💕
Thank you for today, @laneigeid
#LaneigeIndo #LaneigeIndonesia #LaneigeKBeautyWeek #LaneigeXLuckyChouette #beauty #vanitymirror #mirrorselfie #bblogger #bloggerslife #clozetteid #koreanmakeup #potd #bestoftheday
Finally my bronzer meets her perfect pair..
#clozetteid #motd #potd #makeupjunkie #makeupaddict #makeuplover #momblogger #momblog #wakeupandmakeup #ilovemakeup #indobeautygram #indonesianbeautyblogger #beautybloggerindonesia #beautyblogger #makeuplook #mommyblogger #makeuptalk #powerofmakeup #ビューティー #春メイク #화장품 #메이크업 #コスメ #メイク動画 #アイメイク #プチプラ #메이크업 #인스타뷰티 #hudabeauty #ivgbeauty #beautybloggerid
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#clozetteid #motd #potd #makeupjunkie #makeupaddict #makeuplover #momblogger #momblog #wakeupandmakeup #ilovemakeup #indobeautygram #indonesianbeautyblogger #beautybloggerindonesia #beautyblogger #makeuplook #mommyblogger #makeuptalk #powerofmakeup #ビューティー #春メイク #화장품 #메이크업 #コスメ #メイク動画 #アイメイク #プチプラ #메이크업 #인스타뷰티 #hudabeauty #ivgbeauty #beautybloggerid
Too cute to be true 🦉
Go grab yours the Bella and Felli Owl - Limited Edition from @laneigeid, #LaneigeXLuckyChouette today at #LaneigeKBeautyWeek only at @kotakasablanka
#laneigeindonesia #laneigeid #limitededition #cute #luckychouette #owl #bblogger #bloggerslife #clozetteid
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Too cute to be true 🦉
Go grab yours the Bella and Felli Owl - Limited Edition from @laneigeid, #LaneigeXLuckyChouette today at #LaneigeKBeautyWeek only at @kotakasablanka
#laneigeindonesia #laneigeid #limitededition #cute #luckychouette #owl #bblogger #bloggerslife #clozetteid
Yang kemarin minta review SSIN Unpretty Rapstar yang aku dapetin dari Lucky Boxnya @charis_official udah publish lho di
Selain SSIN Unpretty Rapstar aku juga review Moonshoot Microfit Cushion sama Missha 3D Style Mascaranya juga lho 😊
Kalian bisa beli produk2nya di 👇
#KorneliaLucianaBlog #BeautyBlogger #Blogger #BeautyBloggerIndonesia #BloggerIndonesia #ClozetteStar #ClozetteID #ClozetteDaily #Vlogger #SSINUnprettyRapstar #LuciMakeupCollection #bvloggerid #CharisLuckyBox #Charis
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Yang kemarin minta review SSIN Unpretty Rapstar yang aku dapetin dari Lucky Boxnya @charis_official udah publish lho di
Selain SSIN Unpretty Rapstar aku juga review Moonshoot Microfit Cushion sama Missha 3D Style Mascaranya juga lho 😊
Kalian bisa beli produk2nya di 👇
#KorneliaLucianaBlog #BeautyBlogger #Blogger #BeautyBloggerIndonesia #BloggerIndonesia #ClozetteStar #ClozetteID #ClozetteDaily #Vlogger #SSINUnprettyRapstar #LuciMakeupCollection #bvloggerid #CharisLuckyBox #Charis
Istilah "30 is the new 20" couldn't be more accurate. Umur 30 merupakan stepping stone untuk memastikan dan makin yakin dalam menentukan pilihan dan perjalanan hidup. Bila secara mental di umur 30 akan semakin stabil, tak selalu sama untuk kulit wajah. Jika kamu tidak rajin merawat kulitmu, kerut-kerut halus dapat muncul di umur 30. Maka dari itu kamu perlu 6 produk perawatan wajah ini. Baca selengkapnya di http://bit.ly/2nEbKJ8. Simak juga artikel menarik lainnya di Article Section pada Clozette App.
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